Jul 14, 2005 21:40
today i was thinking back to my days as a child and i was wondering if i had a facination with make-up. i'm pretty sure i didn't and i'm pretty sure that i never over used eyeshadow, except on halloween. ugh. there was a little girl at work the other night who, while i was away from my counter for a moment, made herself up like a rodeo clown. double ugh. she wouldn't leave it alone either. i need to work on my evil eye before i start teaching.
i am uber excited about moving in a few weeks. it kinda sucks that i have to start paying for the place before i actually get there. i guess its the price i have to pay for an apartment exactly when i want it. its cute and little and it has a fake fireplace. it also has huge windows. have i mentioned that i'm excited? matt and i are gonna have to adjust to city living, i think. hopefully i will be able to find a grassy patch to relax on once in awhile.
and i get a kitty too! yay for matt's kitty, bunny. :)