a neutral recount - an attempt not to analyse anything....let's see...

Jun 26, 2005 22:42

let's start on a light note.
motley fucking crue you cock smoker is happening in december - the wheels are in motion, closer and closer, like an aids induced death.
something new to proclaim, of course, moi, the constantly evolving being, gravitating towards progression, am swearing (again), to pick my arse up off of the ground and get it together...which in turn, may result in something good - but - will most definately close for me the same way the it always has, lacking resolution/meaning and only enforcing my initial suspicions - that getting up only slams me down even harder. and harder...and eventually subsequently i'm going to crack - and my head will spontaenously combust, and i'll no longer be obliged to allow you to seep into my pores and solidify my once perfectly functional bloodstream.
i'm outgrowing this restrictive box - either that or its shrinking.
it's cold. and fucking black. and my oxygen supply is decreasing as rapidly as your desensitivity is becoming apparent...and in this cramped box, with my knees at my chin, and my noggin complying with nature, and moving upward as i outgrow it, i'll be bending my neck - which i cna only bend so far, and for so long, until once again - i'll be writhing in a pool of impossibility, it will snap.
but whatthefuckever.
friday was insane...
and the 'misfits' show sucked.....but for what its worth - zombie ghost train were muchhhh more enjoyable at tiger army...but getting animal at the misfits show was funny as all fuck......and then the weird secret room at the casinoooo. HA. and then back with the animals at the townieeeee. hahahahaha. FUCKING HELL. SO much shit got shattered on the walk/stumble back to ward's...and. HAHHAH FUCK.
maz the POOR slave to photography.
and me - the poor slave to electric blanket.
THEN more animals on saturday after amr. that place is frying my fucking brain.
then BACK to cunting amr...
then my awesome boyfriend calls me and yells 'FUCK FUCK FUCK. FUCKING HELL. THIS IS FUCKED...I HAVENT THOUGHT ABOUT WHAT IM GOING TO DO ABOUT IT YET...FUCKING HELL. FUCK FUCK FUCK'...but you just thought that you would call me to yell at me and make sure i was aware that you're having a bad time, right..???
yes. i love being on the receiving end of your abuse.
it really makes me reassess my presumptions as to what kind of role i actually play.
punching bag...??

none. i'm just an absorbant figure.
use once and discard.

neutral huh lisaaaaa.
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