Jan 23, 2006 22:12
I went to Elektrode on Sat, begun as a fairly good night. Got drunk down at grafton, while some mates took acid. It was good to catch up with them again.
Met some people i have been talking to on the net which was also good and did some fuuuun dancin, woaahh! had like 3 hours sleep and fuckin worrk, and soriez hun for havin a spaz at you in the morn, nealry called in sick but didn't and was glad to catch up with Loza at work.
Got home, then James came over, we walked around but poor thing had a limp from his drunkin antics hahaha hiizzaah.
Now i feel, just weird. I want a change. I'm fucked up right now. I feel like everyone is backstabbing meeee. Girlz are nasty, malicious Kuntz who need a reality check!!!
your jealous of my beauty, hahaha you need to stop judging
I feel ugly and outta place, i'm sick of people telling me i'm beautiful, yet i can't see it, even worse feel it. I'm destroying myself and my relationshippp
It doesn't help that my boi has been really odd lately. I got into a fight with my ex ex. Nearly shoved a sword through him. WTF why did he tag in Richs mirror. Prolly cuz he's soooo fuckin ugly it scared him. And Rich a sexi bitch who i'm in LOVE with and never loved him. I told him he was jealous of me, so he called me a slut HAHAHAHAHA i'm a Trashcan one FUCKER! Wow i've been in a relationship how long????huh????at least i can keep one down!!!makes you think don't it. some slut who has the saaame bf for 2 years...yea just fuck off and die you spinelsss, uneducated, ugly mutha fucka, blaaah
So anyway i've been trying to cheer up my baby. i hate seein him so sad :(:(:( He's glad he's still got me after the ways he's been acting. but hey he puts up with my shit and i'm wooorse. And for him it's a phase, and he's been so good to me, i will put up with it cuz i know fun times are ahead.
So back to me, i want to reinvent myself, new hair, colour, clothes, style, piercings, tatts, hobbies ect, anyone help????pllzzzz.
AND...just a few split seconds ago i relalised how lucky i was. I have a bf who:
-Loves me more than anyone/thing in the world
-Will never let me go
-Finds me the only attractive thing on earth
-See's me everyday WITHOUT fail
-txts back asap when he has credit
-does whatever i want him to do
-Dresses up for me and wears makeup
-does ANYTHING to please me and keep me happy
-Buys me presents, with ALOt of thought
-Spends every second he's not at work or sleeping with me, unless he's "sleeping" with me
-Stares at me only and adores me -makes me laugh, smile and ...other things
-Cooks for me and cleans
-protects me
-never ever ever puts me down and always tells me how wonderful i am
-has quit his job and is gonna start studying so we can have a better future togther
... we are gonna live in a house in Ponsonby in like 4 years time, when we have both got our degrees, we will buy the house, and have two or more kittens, and it'll just be us!!!! like a two bedroom house, clean and tidy, decorated just the wayw e want. we can wake up next to eachother every morning and look at eachother and understand why life is great..ahhh so soppy, but hey i don't give a flying fuck haha, it makes me happy. y the hell would you NOt want a dedicated bf huh? LOVe is great
...SOOOOOO why am i still not happy with myself? you'd wonder, but i do know i am fuckin lucky to have him I love you sexy *kisses forever* anyway i'm sure there are more reasons but i'm tired, my head is scrammbled, like you have nooo idea. and i'm not too sure what set it off
.... I can't trust anyone for sure, ppl who say hun your sooo hot, then snob me, huh, you suck yourself you cows!!! I figure if ppl hate/dislike me when they don't know me that well, it's only cuz they're jealous of what i have...so why should i waste my time on them? enuf of the bitching, i'm off gor a hot choc and a soak i the bath, hmmmmmmmmm
byes bitches