"Doctors' beliefs hinder patient care"

Jun 24, 2007 21:27

I am sorry I am slow to learning about the LJ cut... I have only done it once, and can't remember how again!

New laws shore up providers’ right to refuse treatment based on values
By Sabrina Rubin Erdely
June 22, 2007

Lori Boyer couldn't stop trembling as she sat on the examining table, hugging her hospital gown around her. Her mind was reeling. She ( Read more... )

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pursuer June 25 2007, 02:50:28 UTC
Taking a stand on these issues means not aiding someone in any way to do something we stand against. Whether it's the murder or a child growing in the womb or an old man with a few days left to live - this is playing God... and He is VERY clear about us trying to act AS Him. If you don't agree with the fact that humans taking life is playing God, I believe you need to examine Scripture a little more closely. If that offends you, good. It should offend all of us.

God is the Giver and Withholder of life. He alone has control over it. For us to presume something is acceptable or even okay to tolerate that He has not mandated okay and specifically stated otherwise... is sin.
"Then Jacob's anger burned against Rachel, and he said, 'Am I in the place of God, who has withheld from you the fruit of the womb?'" -Genesis 30:2
"Then God remembered Rachel, and God gave heed to her and opened her womb." - Genesis 30:22

As God's children, we are to stand up for His creation... and that is what all life is: His. Think of the Lord God literally FASHIONING and FORMING a little one, KNITTING together the tiny fibers of it's being, creating it for a specific destiny, purpose, plan.... only to watch on in agony and brokeness as one of His other creations inserts a tube and sucks it's delicate brain out. Now imagine that you find this abhorent and disgusting... and can't fathom participating in this. Now, feel free to pass along the contact information of someone who WOULD do this. Right.
"For You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb." -Psalm 139:13

Unborn infants have no voice, have no "right" to speak out... yet their voices scream out. They are the needy without a voice. They are innocent ones who cry out in the womb, literally... and the Lord guards them. We are to also, and that means NOT aiding someone who is willing to sacrifice them in the name of convenience, an escape from emotions or problems, or some political agenda.
"For he will deliver the needy when he cries for help, The afflicted also, and him who has no helper. He will have compassion on the poor and needy, And the lives of the needy he will save. He will rescue their life from oppression and violence, And their blood will be precious in his sight;" - Psalm 72:12-14

We cannot excuse this away with a "They should at least give an alternate physician referral." It is WRONG. It is SIN. MURDER IS SIN. And to hand out someone's number to pass the patient on to someone who WILL commit murder is making you a murderer as well. PERIOD.
THAT is why we as Christians, should be commending this man, not berrating him and saying how he as a physician should get out of the field... or compromise his faith in the Lord.

These are the LORD'S children... not the states, not our own... who ARE WE to okay this. To blame this man for getting into a LIFE GIVING business and not wanting to TAKE IT AWAY. It's sickening.


watching_ships June 25 2007, 05:41:21 UTC
thanks for posting this. i moved the topic on GG for the time being, because, as you know...people were not listening.


pursuer June 25 2007, 08:15:36 UTC
LOL... I know, I know! I even was about to post something really good, and it was fairly complicated and long, and by the time I was ready to post, it had been moved! LOL


A confusing issue for some blessed_1 June 25 2007, 06:18:11 UTC
The morning after pill is actually a series of strong birth control pills. It makes the uterus a hostile environment preventing implantation of a fertilized egg.

The birth control pill used on a regular basis does the exact same thing.

I'm not going to reveal my beliefs here, because I just want to confuse you all. LOL (Once I'm sure you are good and confused, I'll be happy to tell!)

But, is it sinful to take The Pill? Use an IUD? A condom? Get your tubes tied? If it's not sinful to be on the pill, why is it sinful to use the morning after pill? Neither prevents fertilization, just implantation.


Re: A confusing issue for some pursuer June 25 2007, 08:12:58 UTC
Good questions.
Using a birth control pill actually prevents an egg from even being fertilized, doesn't it?
(Though I have had a child, I am still slightly stupid about the female body... heck, I thought it was impossible for me to be pregnant several months ago, when in fact, the timeline would have been PERFECT... so I am genuinely asking.)
Whereas (and I KNOW this) the morning AFTER pill (uniquely named RU486, which I will touch on in a bit) actually kills an already fertilized egg (if indeed it is already fertilized... which we can't really know, but the factor of taking that and making sure it's dead is the issue.
R(Are) U(You) 4(For) 86(this, if you look it up is an old slang term for... what? MURDER. Getting rid of...)
So the morning after pill even asks you the question, "Are you for murder?"

If I were to learn that a BC pill (now back to a daily pill, not M.A.) actually kills an already fertilized egg, I will never use it. If it prevents it from even getting fertilized, that... is smart. If you can't afford children or know you wouldn't want to spend time with one if you had one... don't have them!


Re: A confusing issue for some blessed_1 June 25 2007, 08:54:28 UTC
RU486 is an abortion pill. It will work for two months after becoming pregnant.

Plan B or The Morning After pill, which has to be taken within 72 hours of intercourse, is the same as the birth control pill, just in a much higher dose. So in my opinion, if you are going to be against the morning after pill you have to also be against the birth control pill.

RU486 is a whole different story. That clearly falls under abortion and yes, that is murder. (HOWEVER, to bring up a whole different controversy, the biggest argument for that is in the Bible, and most offenders aren't Christians so our biggest concern shouldn't be the sin but the soul of the sinners. After all, if one isn't saved we can't really hold them up to Christian standards now can we?)

Most birth control pills work in three ways. They; 1) help prevent ovulation, 2) make it difficult for sperm to reach the egg, and 3) make the uterus a hostile environment should an egg become fertilized. There are also low-dose or mini-pills which are prescribed fairly frequently which only do #1 and #3. So yes, there is a chance that if you are on the pill you could have an egg become fertilized and it would not be able to implant because you are on the pill. That is how the pill is designed. Does that mean you committed murder? How many Christian woman are on the pill and will stand before God as murderers if this is the case?

And yes, what if you can't afford children? Or in my case, I chose not to procreate because as you know I have horrible genes! I chose early on to end this bloodline (unfortunately my sister did not and has passed on many things I suffer from to her children.) I believe that was responsible pre-parenting on my part. I have accomplished not having children by taking the birth control pill (before I knew how it worked,) having a tubal ligation (which I feel guilty for,) and now I have no uterus for medically necessary reasons. So yes, I might be standing before God as a murderer too.

If I had a uterus, I would probably use a condom for birth control. Well, my husband would. LOL


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