NaNoWriMo - Tell me....

Jun 18, 2008 13:27

Have you ever considered it? Have you ever attempted it?
What was your experience? Would you recommend it to someone else (me)?

I'm seriously considering taking part this year. Lately I've been writing alot of RP stories and just general tales (15k words in the last week).

I have even finally written out a basic outline of my 'first novel' which was going to be heavily based upon my childhood memories of Kenya through the eyes of a missionary's daughter.

There are at least two other larger works knocking around my brain as well.

I've never seriously considered NaNoWriMo purely because I'm a very controlling self-editor. I go back and tweak things even weeks later. The idea of having to submit something that I couldn't go back and edit would make me looney-bin crazy. However, I have been informed that I could edit it after submission, it's just the bulk and number of words that needs to be submitted and it needn't be made public or anything until after I'm 'happy' with it.

Anyway, I'd love some first hand experience comments, or any type of opinion on whether I should go ahead or not. :) ~goes all shy~
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