Character name: Nepeta Leijon
Fandom: MS Paint Adventures - Homestuck
Timeline: After her dream self is killed
Age: 6 solar sweeps, equivalent to 13 human years
~*Magical*~ abilities and strengths:
Nepeta is a very skilled fighter. With the help of her claw gloves (as dictated by her clawkind strife specibus-or, in less retarded terms, her preferred choice of weapon), she can
tear down foes of all shapes and sizes with ease-apparently, she also uses her teeth when hunting her prey. She also has a heightened sense of smell, though it's nowhere near as developed as Terezi's.
How would they use their abilities?:
Nepeta is no stranger to love fighting! That being said, she'll fight if she has to, but she'd much rather keep the peace as much as possible.
As a troll, Nepeta has an appearance that would set her apart from a majority of the other refugees upon the Thor. Like the rest of her species, she has gray skin, yellow eyes, black hair, and candy cane-like horns protruding from her head. She is also portrayed as having an affinity for cats, which mostly manifests itself in her blue cat hat and tail. As far as her clothes go, she always wears a black shirt with a green Leo symbol (♌) on it, as well as an oversized green trenchcoat.
Somewhere, in an alternate universe parallel to our own, there once existed a planet, aptly named Alternia. Alternia was the home of a humanoid race of aliens called trolls, who had been around for millions of years longer than humankind! In fact, twelve of those trolls created our universe by playing a game called Sgrub, which is a game that somehow lets people mess with the environment and reality in like a Sims/Spore lovechild. The trolls that did this were to be split into two teams: Karkat Vantas, Terezi Pyrope, Vriska Serket, Tavros Nitram, Kanaya Maryam, and Gamzee Makara make up the Red Team; while Sollux Captor, Nepeta Leijon, Equius Zahhak, Aradia Megido, Feferi Peixes, and Eridan Amporo represent the Blue Team. Unfortunately, by playing Sgrub, the trolls destroy their own universe in order to create ours.
Nepeta makes her first appearance in the comic when Terezi roleplays with her in order to tell her about Sgrub. As the leader of the Red Team at that moment, Terezi tries to get Nepeta to join, but Nepeta tells her she must consult Equius, her moirail! This is where I'd attempt to explain the four quadrants of romance that trolls have as opposed to our one, but that stuff is
KIND OF INTENSE. So let's just leave it at the fact that Nepeta and Equius are platonic soulmates. Terezi then bids Nepeta farewell in order to search of more potential team members to recruit.
A few pages later, we are properly introduced to the cat troll! Nepeta lives alone in a cave, unlike most other trolls, who live in more traditional locations. She doesn't live alone, however-like all trolls, she has a lusus, or guardian animal! The relationship between a troll and their lusus is one of codependency-while the lusus functions as a guardian for the young troll, the troll must learn to act as a zookeeper to the lusus. Nepeta and her two-mouthed cat lusus Pounce de Leon share a very loving relationship! The two are described as being in search of the "Fountain of Cute"; on their adventures, Nepeta rides Pounce until the lusus gets tired, at which point the two switch places and Pounce rides Nepeta! Good cat. Best friend.
Later there was a cave-in. Anyway, Nepeta is then approached by Karkat, current leader of the Red Team, to connect to Tavros and bring him into the Medium, the setting for Sgrub. She then remembers she still needs to talk to Equius about whether or not he'd let her play the game, so she goes off and takes care of that! Equius forbids her from playing on the Red Team, because he's on the Blue Team and he will have none of this business of his moirail playing for the other team (even though the two teams eventually consolidate into one). Nepeta then contacts Tavros and reluctantly tells him of Equius's decision. He's okay with that, though, and knows Equius just wants the best for Nepeta-in fact, because he didn't forbid her from playing a particularly vicious live action RP game with her friends, she might have gotten really hurt. As a result of that game and the resulting cycle of revenge, Tavros became a paraplegic, Terezi went blind, Vriska lost an arm and eye, and Aradia kind of died at the hands of her mind-controlled best friend.
Man, trolls sure are a friendly bunch, aren't they? Hang on, though-time to BACK IT UP AGAIN.
Sgrub works like this: the first player-the client-is brought into the Medium by another player-the server. The server player can then manipulate the client player's environment in order to help the latter through a series of Gates in order to get to Skaia, where a war is fought between two kingdoms: the light kingdom of Prospit, and the dark kingdom of Derse. Each person playing Sgrub also has a dream self, which resides on the moon of either Prospit or Derse. These dream selves are only active when the original self is asleep, and represent what the players envision themselves as. Anyway, with the arrival of the players in the Medium, Derse triumphs over Prospit, and the Black King, the ruler of Derse, starts something called the Reckoning. This prompts the Sgrub players to defeat the Black King-after which, they'll be rewarded with access to a new universe over which they can rule and do whatever they see fit.
Still with me? All right! (It's totally cool if you're not, Homestuck is stupidly complicated anyway oh my god I'm so sorry to whoever is reading this app.) As a result of a horrible virus that Karkat unwittingly executed, all of the trolls' lusus die in various horrible manners. But that's okay! In order to play Sgrub, each player must first fuse, or prototype, something called a kernelsprite with something else, and a dead lusus is the perfect candidate! Prototyping the lusus gives them the ability to talk, allowing them to converse with their charges for the first time in their lives. Anyway, Nepeta is personally selected by Equius to become Aradia's server player, and she quickly brings the other girl into the Medium. She's initially confused, though, as Aradia doesn't show up anywhere on her screen... until Aradia prototypes herself with her kernelsprite.
Because she was dead all along. After a quick consultation with Aradia after this stunning revelation, things just go relatively back to normal. Eventually Nepeta is brought into the game herself, with Eridan as her server player! Most of what she does happens off-screen, though she does witness Equius giving the ghostly Aradia a robot body to inhabit and then make out with her, and eventually meets up with Equius herself and
kicks ass and acts adorable.
After an extremely intense fight they barely walked away from with lots of WEIRD TIME SHIT and massive grinding efforts, the trolls manage to defeat the Black King, and they arrive at the endgame! Their new universe is successfully created, but before they can enter it and claim their superiority over us puny humans, they're attacked by an omnipresent, omnipotent being, who destroys their chances of escaping to this new reality. Aradia quickly transportalizes everyone away to safety while she holds off this new foe, who proceeds to obliterate a thousand Aradias from doomed alternate timelines at once. Yep.
"WHO'S THIS DOUCHEBAG???" the trolls ask themselves after they escape to the Veil, a ring of meteors on the outskirts of the Medium. They soon find out that his name is Bec Noir, and he's a different version of an NPC they encountered in their own session... who traveled through space and time! Where did he come from, you ask? Well, he came from the session played out by four kids in the universe the trolls created.
That's right.
This is the beginning of Homestuck.
-ONLY FROM A PURELY CHRONOLOGICAL POINT OF VIEW (...if you can even call it that, thanks to all the Weird Time Shit™ in this series), as the trolls' session ends in failure where the kids' picks up. I swear I am almost done with this background. Anyway, the trolls then proceed to watch the human children play Sburb (the Earth equivalent of Sgrub) and create the monster that crushed all their hopes and dreams of repopulating their race. Through the use of Trollian, an IM client that somehow allows conversations to talk place at any given time (ie, it lets people from the past talk to people in the future and such), the trolls are able to contact the kids. After keeping this up for a while, Aradia, in her robot chassis,
embraces Sollux in front of Nepeta and Equius, and apologizes to him for all the shitty luck he's had. Then she explodes. Right before this event, though, a lot of SERIOUS SHIT starts to go down! Feferi and Nepeta's dream selves are
violently killed by Bec Noir as he completely annihilates Derse. But that's okay! (Well, not for them, obviously, but.) Although she was already dead, Aradia's dream self was still alive in the core of Derse, and she wakes up! This prompts her to ascend to the god tiers, gaining immeasurable power and causing her robot self to explode. She then uses her power as the fully realized Maid of Time to freeze Bec Noir in time, and stuff starts to calm down in the Veil. Kind of. Whiiich is where I'm taking Nepeta from, because that's the last time she appeared in canon doing anything of substance, and because shit REALLY goes down afterward. Sob.
Despite the fact that she hunts and kills animals for food and supplies on a daily basis, Nepeta is one of the friendlier trolls! She definitely lacks the abrasiveness most of her colleagues possess-in contrast, she's kind, rather childish, and very naive. Whereas pretty much all of the other trolls live up to their name when talking the kids, Nepeta only engages Rose just to ask if she can talk to Jaspers, the other girl's dead cat-turned-sprite, because he reminds her of Pounce.
Nepeta cares deeply for those she considers friends. Though she's not seen interacting with all of the other trolls, it's implied that she gets along with pretty much everyone! Which is kind of a wonder, given that most of the other members of her species are prime examples of what us humans associate with the phrase "internet troll." She won't hesitate to show physical affection to her friends, and genuinely seems to want everyone to be happy.
Relationships mean a lot to her-she even has a "shipping wall" in her cave, which is
exactly what it sounds like. She is fanatically devoted to it. Fitting her happy-go-lucky personality, she only keeps track of the positive red romances of matespritship (the quadrant of troll romance closest to the human concept) and moirallegiance-she doesn't seem to be interested in tracking her friends' negative black romances. As far as relationships concerning her go, she and Equius are the STRONGEST moirails ever! They keep each other in check, and are cited as having one of the most straightforward troll relationships in the series. The two are pretty much each other's foils-while she sometimes appears to be annoyed with Equius and his... interesting demeanor, he pretty much means the world to her, and she almost never makes a decision without asking for his counsel first. In return, she provides him with faithful companionship, as all the other trolls seem to only see him as some weird sweaty douchebag. On the other quadrants, she also has feelings of matespritship for Karkat, but it's sadly one-sided.
Just because she's naive, though, doesn't mean she's just simple and stupid. She understands the seriousness of the situation the trolls are in, and she's aware of most other people's negative opinions regarding Equius. She even grasps serious situations fairly well, though she usually ignores things in lieu of having fun. That's all she wants, really-if it were up to her, she'd just give up everything to be able to have fun with her friends.
Aaand last but not least, all the trolls have their own typing quirk! Nepeta's reflects her catlike nature, as :33 < *her sp33ch precedes itself with the face of her lusus who is pawssibly the cutest and purrhaps the bestest kitty anyone has ever s33n!* She uses as many cat-themed puns as she possibly can, and replaces every instance of double e's with 33. Even when speaking face to face, the trolls seem to keep their typing quirks (though they are able to
stop using them), so unless the person I'm threading with is adverse to it, I'd prefer to keep it if possible.
Have you read up on how the game works?: The Guide plug-in is the FlamingFerret! People get money by completing missions, doing freelance work, and mooching off people.
1st person sample:
arsenicCatnip [AC] RIGHT NOW opened memo on board THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH.
:33 < *suddenly finding herself in an unfurrmiliar place, ac prowls around for a while, observing her whereabouts and whatnot*
:33 < *after getting her bearings she climbs onto a conveniently placed space rock and sits poised and ready*
:33 < *with her mighty voice she purroclaims herself qu33n of the silly humans on board this ship!*
:33 < *her first line of business is to establish her purride and lay down the rules and all that other stuff that qu33ns do!*
:33 < *also she wishes for one day to be designated just for cats as graceful and impurresive like herself*
:33 < *purrhaps she will call it caturday*
:33 < h33h33 ok im done playing around for now
:33 < hello silly humans!
:33 < my name is nepeta and i am looking for my furriends!
:33 < i know this isnt a dream because... well... thats just not pawssible :((
:33 < anyway their names aaaaare
:33 < *ac takes a really d33p breath because she is about to say a lot of names!*
:33 < aradia tavros sollux karkat kanaya terezi vriska equius gamz33 eridan and feferi!
:33 < i dont know if i can really call vriska a furriend though...
:33 < *ac rolls her eyes as she decides to change the subject*
:33 < anyway we were all playing this really cool game!
:33 < but then some not cool stuff happened and it wasnt fun anymore
:33 < and now it s33ms weve all b33n sepurrated :((
:33 < umm what else could i tell you besides their names
:33 < *ac pawnders about that reaaaally hard*
:33 < oh!
:33 < they all look like me i guess since we are so diffurrent from you fleshy pink human monkeys and stuff!
:33 < i still dont understand how you guys dont even have horns or anything, what the hell is up with that!!
:33 < oh oops
:33 < i mean heck
:33 < sorry, bad habit
:33 < ...its so weird not having equius around to tell me that... :((
:33 < *ac's ears and whiskers suddenly droop as low as they pawssibly can*
:33 < *but then she purrks back up because she n33ds to stay STRONG and focused!!* >:OO
:33 < h33h33
:33 < so yeah!
:33 < if you s33 any of them, tell them ac is looking for them and she will be a very happy kitty once they say hi to her :33
:33 < ok bye!
AC closed memo.
3rd person sample:
"all right nepeta! you just n33d to finish these stupid forms and youll be one step closer to finding your furriends again!" the young troll reminded herself as sped through the forms all new arrivals were required to complete. She'd both survived the destruction of her planet and been in space before, so surely she was more qualified than most to take on this new challenge.
But of course, that time, she'd had her friends. Now, she was all alone with no company of her own. She'd give anything to hear Karkat's ORNERY YELLING, Sollux's 2iilly lii2p, Feferi's ---EXCITABL-E glubs-heck, at this point, she would have even welcomed Vriska's 8LUH 8LUHs, just for a sense of familiarity.
But that was okay! She needed to stay strong for her friends. She was no stranger to loss, having lost Pounce shortly before she'd started playing Sgrub. But even then, she'd managed to see her beloved lusus again, hadn't she? That could happen again! -Though she could do without all of her friends being turned into spriteghosts. She had nothing against that, but it'd just feel weird to be the only one of her friends not floating around and being omniscient and all.
With those thoughts in mind, she finished the forms faster than expected; of course, it was only natural, given how much of her free time she spent drawing and writing. Sometimes having a tablet PC was helpful in more ways than she could consider! The Vogon in charge grumbled as Nepeta couldn't really tell-went through the forms the troll had completed. Eventually, it gave her the okay, and handed over the package all new arrivals received once they'd finished the appropriate paperwork.
Though most people instantly familiarized themselves with their new Guides upon completing the forms (either that, or lamented the lack of feeling in their hands), something else entirely caught her eye. She was quickly ushered out of the way so as to keep the line moving, but she didn't mind. All she could concentrate on was rubbing the soft cloth against her cheek fondly, lips curling up in happiness.
Whenever Equius and that silly STRONG head of his caught up to her, she thought with a giggle, she'd be ready to give him her towel before he could even ask.