[Guess who's running around Violet City really really fast? If you guessed Nepeta, then, well, you're right! She's running as fast as she can with her Meowth following behind her. Another Pokémon is following too!! Goodness, what could that other Pokémon be?!
Abruptly she skids to a halt and turns the camera to herself and also to her Pokémon!! This reveals the new addition to her Pokémon crew to be...
An adorable Glameow!! Unlike its Meowth companion it does not seem to be enjoying the running very much. Indeed it looks rather irritated with the whole matter]
Heehee look what came out of my egg! I didn't think cats came out of eggs but I guess they do here. It's a purrfectly pawmazing addition to my Pokémon family though!!
He is kind of grumpy about efurything. So I named him after a furiend I have who is also very grumpy about everything!! His name is Karkitty.
Also also! I am in the Violet place now! Where are all of my other furiends?! Karkitty? Tholluxth? Equiuuuuuus? Tereeeeeeezi? Jaaaaaaaaaade?! We need to purrlay with all of our Pokémons and also with each other and maybe do some... fighting!? Any new furiends who are here can come too!
The mighty tigress is okay with this idea! RAWR!