Special Folder (Tiger Wedding)

Jul 17, 2012 10:31

I'm  just going to riff a little here.
'Cause this writing stuff  is proving  a bit difficult for me.(as are are these (*damn*) clicky things{that was supposed to be a cut you....!} sigh, i swear i'm nicknaming this 'puter *HAL*)

I read a lot of Fanfiction. The variety of style and genre is vast . I feel grateful that the Authors take time and effort to share it.
A lot of it is amazing, some not quite (but worth reading because someone put heart , soul , and effort into it.) and some of it is
"Stick that puppy in a folder 'cause ,'cause,'cause!" (yes, I talk like an over excited tween-ager in my head *snorffle*)

Sometimes I find one sooo very special.
Perfect balance of Angst and Happy ending, or Joy and Sorrow, or Dark against Light that I keep it in an extra special folder.
*Tiger Wedding*

What's a tiger wedding you ask? Well, pull up a virtual chair (comfy? need anything to drink? cookie?) 'cause
here goes.

I was sitting in English class on a stormy day -Bored- (Jr. High of 'course was bored ) just * daydreaming* and waiting for class to be over. 
Hearing a soft sigh next to me I glanced over and noticed my seatmate looking out the window with a dreamy sweet/sad look on her face.
We were sorta friends so I asked her what she was looking at, why she had that expression on her face ,was anything wrong?
She startled a little, smiled at me and said "No, nothing's wrong." and sighed again.

She turned her head back and looked at the sky out the window "I'm just remembering a folk tale from my country about  what happens when the sky looks like that." I peeked past her out the window and up at the sky. It was breaking up a little, still full of dark clouds, still raining but bright streaks of sunshine and blue sky were showing too.

"Say what now?" I asked. (it was the mid 70's , I was thirteen. don't judge.)  She smiled at me "In my country we have a story that when there is rain and sunshine together then the tigers are having a wedding." I was curious and asked her " Why?".

She answered " Because tigers are so rare back home that when two find each other the Gods celebrate it, they stripe the skies like a tiger coat and cry from joy."

"See?" She explained pointing out the window again "Black clouds, golden sun light, and rain from the Gods' tears."

That  story *christ* that story. I don't remember my sorta friend's name or even what country she was from and I'm sorry (truly,truly sorry) about that. But that story is written in inkpen in my mental notebook.

So, I read a lot of Fanfiction. I try to comment and I write  comments full of what it left me feeling. I *Thank * the Authors for their work ( sometimes in a* prosey* way {it's a word, mine} .) and sometimes I find one just soooo....special it gets saved into the "Tiger Wedding" folder. And those special (rare, pretty enough to make the Gods weep) stories get a comment  that ends  something like:
"Passing storms and Warming sunshine to you Dear Author." 
Because it was beautiful and I'll always remember it.

Just to tie  this into Sherlock Fandom ('cause watched Reichenbach last night.) the  2nd season ending was dark. The 3rd season opening better not be, because I want a "Tiger Wedding " moment when I watch it.(*sniffles* not crying. nope)

Shade and Sweetwater to you,  Love  Purr

riffy-riffy while learning to writey, ' puter is definitely hal, meh it's okay (sorta), damn clicky things* grrrr*

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