(no subject)

Apr 09, 2006 08:26

it's been forever.

new quarter began this past week. found out that i got an 87 on my english final. not bad, i think. my new classes are sociolgy with heather dylan becky katja melissa gina andy brittany and kaylan (people i like/have/had other classes with) and economics. it's so boring. whatever, i'll get through it. i thought it would be a class that i could just mostly blow off the assignment, you know, do the homework but not put a lot of time and effort into it, but ms medieros isnt an easy grader, so i've got to fix that whole just-get-through-it mentality, because i dont want this to hurt me at all. a B would be great. on the first assignment i got a check minus, which is C work apparently, so yeah. i'm not really liking the class.

that's school. friday night mom and i drove down to boston for a welcome day at northeastern yeterday. We had our map quest directions and everything and we were going just fine, and then all of a sudden the way was blocked, so we couldnt get on to 93 or whatever it was we were looking for. instead, we had to get off with everyone else, and we had no idea where we were, so we just drove and drove, spotted a sign that said something like "alford 99" and we knew we had to get onto 99 at one point, so we got onto that road, and ended up in some old crappy warehouse district that had plenty of fast food joints. we really had no idea where we were, so we stopped at a gas station to ask how to get to cambridge. there was a cabby filling up, so we went and asked him. he was very nice about it. apparently, we were so close, all we had to do was keep on the same road, be sure to be in the left lane, and go through a tunnel, and then get on the right lane past some bunker hill college, and then we were there, pretty much! it was pure dumb luck that we actually ended up just where we were supposed to be (although probably not where our mapquest directions would have brought us). we overshot the turn onto my aunt's road, but then saw paparazzi's restaurant, made a few right turns and got back where we needed to be. i made my mom do a u-y on a red light, because cabbies and other people do the same thing all the time at that spot. and we were there! we unloaded our luggage and got the key, and it was only 8 o'clock. we kind of settled in, and then walked over to the galleria for dinner. we came back to the appartment and i went to bed.

we got up and showered very early the next morning. my mom got up before 6 for the first time in forever and we started getting our stuff together while we waited for 7.15 when we would be taking a cab to northeastern. we went down a couple minutes early, and the cab was already there, so that was good. he was from thailand, and made lots of conversation with us along the way, acting as tour guide. he was nice. (ps Checker Cab is cheaper than Metro Cab starting out by like 80 cents. this probably changes, but something to keep in mind while you're in boston)(the thai guy drove checker cab, and was much nicer than our metro cab driver, as well) we got to northeastern before 7.30, and check in didnt really being until 8. but we went to the curry student center, and there was no problem with checking in right then. there were bagels and muffins and donuts for us there, so we grabbed a bite to eat and just sat and chilled. this random girl came up to us at one point, and asked if i was a new student there, and well yeah, i will be. she was Maddie from New Jersey, and she just wanted to make a friend since she was there early also. she took the table next to ours and motioned her parents over. they were nice people, and we had a good time comiserating over then long drive to boston, and the usual stuff like 'what are you going to major in' etc etc. we seperated after a while, mom and i went to the bookstore just to look around. i picked out a sweatshirt, but we didnt buy it then so we wouldnt have to carry it around all day. at 9 there was this thing with the dean of the college of arts and sciences, which was pretty long and boring, until they had a student speak. that was pretty good. after that, they had eveyone go with their departments for an info session. it was a lot more indepth than mom and i thought it would be, and ended up leaving early to get to our financial aid appointment on time. that was about 40 minutes of me twiddling my thumbs while my mom asked a thousand questions about how to go about getting loans and such. basically, how we're paying for my college. i pretty much dont care at this point. i know that eventually i'll have to do some of that, but as long as i'll be there in the fall, i dont really care about that nit-picky stuff. we'll manage somehow, we always have. after that we went on a residence hall tour. saw an "economy double" in freshmen housing. it's not too bad, but i cant believe they use that same size room for an "economy tripple" that's crazy.and then we got to see a upperclassmen apartment. not too bad.. that was all for that tour. mom and i went and got lunch, which was free. then we went over to where we thought International hall was. they have suite living for freshmen in 'living learning communities' and i selected the international llc on my housing survey thing. we got an RA to give us a tour, and got to ask questions. it was pretty nice. much better than the economy double we saw before. and basically the RA told me that i wont have any problem getting into international hall, since i've already submitted my deposit. i guess they have trouble sometimes filling those places, so they actually have to select people from those who dont care where they are sleeping. so i'm pretty excited. at the time when we got back to the curry student center, it was too late to go to some 'transition to college' presentation, so we just picked up some fliers from tables around, and settled in for a bit. we actually ran into maddie's parents and stood and chatted with them for a while. at 2 o'clock there was something that the dean had mentioned back at the nine o'clock presentation, and mom and i didnt know exactly what it was but we thought, what the heck, let's go to it. it was a session with recent alums. they all told their experiences at northeastern (mainly about co-op) and then there was a short q and a. there werent very many people at the thing. maybe 8 families. i guess everyone else was too tired. i got to talk with this armenian guy who had majored in international affairs and modern languages, so that was pretty cool. and the dean came around giving out his business card and telling students to email him with comments and suggestions about the alum session, or about the whole day itself. he wants to be really involved with students, and wants to improve stuff. after that, we left and stopped at the bookstore to get my sweatshirt, and then finally cought a cab back to auntie elinore's place. we relaxed and finished packing up. then we went over to the galleria and i tried on clothes at H&M. i got some cute comfy brown linen pants, and then we went back to the apartment and took everything out to the car, returned the key, and got on the road. there was no problem getting back to maine at all. we even managed to get into the right lane at the toll booths without incident. we ordered sandwiches from your country store, and brought them home. basically, i fell asleep really fast. but i woke up at 7. that was lame.

i have physics homework.
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