Today I began to look for a way to show off my 3 cups of prized mustard greens in hors d'ouevres for Sam's cocktail party. I was looking for a recipe that didn't involve braising greens, and lo and behold, I found it:
Mustard Greens Pesto Wouldn't you know, it's from Carrboro, North Carolina! I happen to have that issue of Bon Appetit, because it included an entire feature on America's Foodiest Small Towns, and Durham-Chapel Hill-Carrboro won. It also had a nice article about foodie cottage goers in Northern Ontario. Appropriately, when we were moving, I read the magazine while en route from Toronto to Durham.
As suggested in the preface to the recipe, I intend to serve my mustard green pesto on toasted baguettes* from the bakery.
*A bakery customer asked me the other day for a French baguette, pronounced bag-oot'-EE.