May 09, 2014 17:35
Bare bones news.
Been in CT for two years, currently living in a redneck apartment complex. Had an amazing home, lost it, and now we're looking into buying a house in the next year.
Been living full time as male for three, aside from bathroom stuff, because the Indiana part of my brain says I'll get my ass lynched. I still don't pass worth a damn, but I'm working on it.
Family is taking it with varying degrees of success.
I'm coming to terms with never being accepted by Dari's family, so, fuck em.
Name chance is legalized next week.
I published my first novel.
I was hired as art director for an indie publishing company,
Adopted a rescue cat, her name is Tetsubin, and I want to pummel the bastard that abused her. She's black, I've always wanted a black cat.
I had a miscarriage and a year of physical and mental health hell over it, but I still stand by it being for the best.
Lost the best pet I had ever had, and still miss her every day.
I'm probably a functioning, if mild alcoholic, and I'm busting my ass on not falling too far down that rabbit hole.
I'm sick of waiting for my art, health, and mental health to somehow get better, so I'm taking the bull by the horns and seeing what happens.
Here's to the next year.