Nov 21, 2010 20:35

So I can link this to people to help explain things.

Are you blind?
Nope, I am visually impaired. I have OCA1B albinism, which means I was born with very little pigment (had the nicest white-blond hair), but am slowly developing it through life. I actually have pretty good vision for someone with albinism, but don't count on me to ID you at a distance. I don't look "albino" by the common standard, I'm very fair with strawberry blond hair, but a lot of people with albinism don't look "albino" either.

Can't you wear glasses?
I do, welder's glasses. Normal glasses don't really help my problems very well, though I have had negative lenses in the past that helped some with my distance vision, it didn't do a ton of good. This is common for people with albinism.

So what is your problem?
Long of the short, bright light hurts. A lot. More than you can probably guess, or have at least experienced without having done welding or stared at the sun directly. I wear welder's glasses sometimes, and it's still overwhelmingly bright to me at times.
I also have no binocular vision, my eyes don't like to work together, and thus I have no close-range depth perception. My eyes also wiggle, a lot, which makes reading hard and painful. I'm also very sensitive to glare, on glass, and on shiny floors, which sometimes gives me vertigo.

If I over-strain my eyes or deal with bright light too long, I get migraines, and then I spend the day, or even a few days, sick as a dog. Before I started using a cane and welder's glasses, I was in almost constant pain.

Do you really use a cane?
Yes, sometimes, and not as much as I should. I still have issues with the stigma of using it. Why? I'm a whip at times, Some people also made it really hard for me through both mean and well-meaning criticism, and I still have the scars from it. I'm trying to get better about it.

Don't you drive?
And here is the part that baffles everyone. Yes, I can drive. Like I said, my visual acuity isn't the biggest problem for me. Cars offer shade, which is nice, and I can drive with my welder's glasses on. I don't drive at night, too much glare, nor do I drive any sort of long distance. I can't read street signs until I'm passing them, and I can't read the little signs that give street names, but I have been verified by multiple people to be safe and careful. I'm extra-cautious to make up for what I lack, and I've been going strong four years. If I don't feel up to driving, I don't do it, it's all about knowing my limits.
Fun fact, there are many people beyond legally blind who can drive with the right visual aids.

So isn't a cane kind of, overkill?
I know it can be seen as so, but you know what, it's helped immensely. I don't get the headaches I used to, and I don't live in the same haze because I stressed my eyes too far. I also helps me find edges, curbs, and helps with the vertigo I get on shiny surfaces. I know it may seem like overkill, and to some seems like faking, but I'd pay good money to find something that works better. Taking up cane travel was even suggested by a blind friend of mine (Hi Razz!), and I've been at it for almost two years now. Sometimes, dealing with hurtful people is worse than actually being visually impaired, and I don't like it when people think I'm "faking", my problems are just unusual. Funny enough, I've not yet met a visually impaired person yet who minds how I handle my problems.

I'm not the only non-typical visual-impairment cane user either, some people do for depth perception, photosensitive seizures, and brain injuries that effect perception, not sight.

My canes are purple, and striped, I'm still very shy about using a true white one, I have a lot of hang-ups about feeling like I'm leading people on.

Isn't there surgery to fix your problem?
Yes, there is! But it's usually considered cosmetic (The eye-color changing surgery), so my insurance wouldn't dream of covering it. So it's about 8-14k out of pocket.

Do you use any other aids?
Not really. I use audio books often, to save strain, and I blow my font up when I can for the same reason. I wear welder's glasses in shade 5, and am looking for shade 7.

Got another Q? Ask me :D

For a longer, more in-depth (and slightly over-emotional, sorry!) explanation, read this:
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