All I wanted was a glass of Iced Tea

May 30, 2009 14:33

This morning I started dishes with the end result in my mind of making a glass of iced tea. But the towel under the dish rack was dirty and needed to be changed. Well, then the counter under it made the other half of the counter look filthy. So I moved the coffee pot and electric Kettle.

The Kettle, she was dead. It does not reassure me that when one lifts an electrical appliance and water comes pouring out if it. Into the garbage that went. The counter was scrubbed and I made a shuffle of the espresso machine and the iced tea maker.

Now all the coffee making apparatus were in one spot, it struck me that maybe the coffee could go in the shelf in the cabinet above. Before now it's held Charlie's bottle accessories. He no longer uses the bottle in any form so the old used bottles went into the trash and the last box of bottle liners went into que for Freecycle.

I took all the coffee bits out of the tea cabinet and into the new shelf. This included the coffee bean grinder, filters, coffee can and a brick of coffee. Well, now I had space in the tea cabinet!

seorgia has all the ingredients to make bubble tea. Ingredients that still didn't have a home and were living in a cardboard box on the floor of the pantry. The box was just covered with dust and ick. Now they all have a lovely spot in the top shelf of the tea cabinet.

Full of accomplishment I turned and looked at the counters to plug in my Iced Tea maker and take it for a spin... but the newly emptied space on the counter was strewn with half a year's worth of little bits that escaped the daily clean.

At this point I threw away the idea I was spot cleaning and took all the appliances off the counter. I found a whole stack of cds that had fallen behind the microwave and proceeded to scrub and polish and generally make the counter a thing of beauty.

I also ended up washing the cds. They had been there so long, they'd accumulated a film of grease that I was pretty sure would make listening to them difficult.

Now I am going to attack the microwave. It needs a monthly clean anyway and now it's going to get a full wash and spin. Then I'll put all the appliances back and hopefully have time to make a glass of iced tea before I am off for the evening!


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