I... cannot see why we are doing this. Fighting for the sake of-- this is uncomfortable, you know.
[Sprout Tower. Full of bald monks wanting to kick ass at monster battles. Also full of little rats and floating balls of gas. Some of you might know this already. However, today (tonight?) it has a new visitor.
That unlucky person is Nel. Unlucky
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[Hurr. That makes him chuckle.]
[The fact that her Larvitar seems quite determined to try and Bite the floating ball of gas should be self explanatory.]
She does reach for her Pokeballs, though Spinarak disapproves of the action.
HEY. SPIDER. You back off!! That lady is your trainer!
Spinarak makes an angry screech, and makes a pretty good glare at the camera. Zack is now being treated to a lengthy spider tirade and an angry face on its abdomen.]
....I apologize...
You talkin' to me, jerk?! I see your big ugly bug mug!
I'm not scared of you, and neither is your trainer!
You get in your pokeball RIGHT NOW and do what the lady says!!
['Ow' because said spider is using Nel's head as a seat, still, and jerked her closer to the Pokegear. The ex-Espada's patience is beginning to wear thin. Cue an angrier face and more screeches.
Meanwhile, Larvitar seems to have taken a break from fighting the Gastly, and both are watching the argument :|b]
HEY! You better not be hurting her, BUG!
[He picks up his own pokegear to make you this punk can get a FACEFUL OF FAIR.]
Nel drums her fingers on the floor. 'Breeder' apparently translates to 'Pokemon couch' these days.]
These --
[Cue intimidation tactics. Instead of a faceful of Zack, here is a faceful of his boot. And it is a pretty big boot indeed. :I]
-- Are standard-issue ShinRa SOLDIER boots. They're heat-and-flame resistant, waterproof, and steel-toed. You know what that means, bug?!
Prime stomping boots, that's what that means.
I... think that may have been a bit too far.
[Despite being reminded of a earlier conversation about spiders, Nel seems slightly exasperated.
Once she's sure there isn't a danger of being squashed, the spider's abdomen pops out again with the closest approximation of :P on it.]
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