A screenplay written by god

Jul 12, 2004 20:31

And you can find us
Get your wings
Wake up, sleepy angel
To another time, to another time you go
The window provides you with visions of a happy couple
Not in love, but in the same house
Their hearts destined to crash together
The movement so slow
Measured in the sticky summer heat waves
Measured in awkward silences
Two bodies lying in the same bed
Something is whispered but only to get silence
By lips that rage with blind passion and defiance

And you can find us
A small town where no one knows our names
Your wings can soar unto the clear air
We wade in the digital sea
Logic and equations colliding together
The answer is found within in the question
'...do i want to love you?'
'i want to love you'

And you can find us
Heart monitors beeping in unison
Slowing down together
Wrinkled hands wrapped tightly

And you can find us
You can find us in the clouds
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