If you have StumbleUpon on your computer, uninstall it. I should have thought of this a long time ago, and I'm a moron for not realizing it, but there's nothing in the system that stops you from being directed to websites with malware on them. Indeed, it makes all kinds of sense for people who want to spread their malware around to link it to StumbleUpon.
Anyway, my desktop has picked up the virus that it got last time (I don't know where it came from last time, but StumbleUpon is probably a good bet, since I have Web of Trust to warn me against malware sites that I'd navigate to normally) , the one that I had to wipe my hard drive completely to get rid of. It's seriously resisting being removed this time, too. The special tool that's supposed to remove it can't even -see- it. Avast can't see it. (As an aside, I'm really disappointed with Avast. It has been all but useless, easily outclassed by Spybot.) MalwareBytes saw some of it, but didn't get it all, same deal with SpyBot. I'm running AdAware right now, and it has found a couple of things, so I'm hoping that between the three of them, they'll get it all. We'll see.
Anyway, something about the virus alerted Microsoft that my hardware has "significantly changed" (I updated my graphics card a while back), and it wants me to re-register Windows. Because I updated my graphics card. So that's going to be ANOTHER hassle. Joy.
In other news,
nickel brought home yet another cold, which I promptly caught. Which means that I'm going to miss the first non-drinking New Years party that I've been invited to in YEARS. And also means that the cold is probably going to move down into my lungs again and leave me coughing and unable to breathe for weeks YET AGAIN. It was absolute hell last time. Last time was like a week ago. I may also miss yet another D&D game, which means that I will fall even farther behind in experience. I'm almost a level behind everyone else at this point, because one of the days I was sick, I missed a major fight.
nickel has been congested, which is making him snore, which means that I wound up sleeping on the couch last night, and I may do so tonight, as well. Which sucked, because being sick is already making me sore.
In other, OTHER news, something is wrong with Cordelia. We don't know what it is, but her purr has gotten raspy and has lost its deep reverberation, and she sometimes sputters out and coughs while she's purring. I took her to the vet ($50 so far), and he told me that it could be three things: Throat irritation, an infection, or fucking cancer. I've been told to run the shower in the bathroom until it gets hot and put her in the steamy room for a while every day to see if it's just throat irritation. If she's not better in two weeks, then we have to take her BACK to the vet for antibiotics (probably way more than $50), and if that doesn't work, they'll have to sedate her so they can see if it's cancer. Whee!
Between us getting sick over and over and Cordelia having something wrong with her, I'm wondering if maybe the heating ducts for my apartment have mold or something in them. I'm planning on asking the maintainance guy for my apartment complex to come in and take a look.
Oh, I also discovered that someone I had a serious falling out with in college is playing on the only MUSH I play on right now, in the same sphere as me. And she knows who I am. She opened up with the fake 'Oh, let's be friends' bullshit. I don't play games like that, so I made it clear that I still didn't want anything to do with her.
She's the person who pressured me not to tell a friend that she'd started dating a guy that my friend was in love with. Their relationship was complicated, but he'd told her that he wasn't ready for a girlfriend yet, but that when he was, that girlfriends would be her. And then he turned around and started dating Tory. And not only did Tory not tell my friend about this, she actually talked about 'her boyfriend', asked advice about what she should wear around him, what she should say to him. And I caved under the pressure not to tell by cutting off relations with my friend so that I wouldn't have to lie. It was a despicable thing to do -- the decision that, of all of the bad choices I've made in my life, I most regret. I try to talk to
nickel about this, but he doesn't understand why I still regret having done it.
I did try to make it right by finally telling my friend what was up, and while I'm glad I did that, it turned into a 'shoot the messenger' thing. After that, she was polite to me, but blew off my attempts at talking to her and didn't seek me out. I don't blame her, either, because I was a shitty friend -- except since then, I understand she's made up with everyone else. Just not me. The person who told her what was going on, the one person who refused to actively lie to her.
So anyway, Tory has turned up again, she's mad at me for still wanting nothing to do with her, and I have no faith at all that she's not going to take her feelings IC, because she's done it before.
So life pretty much sucks right now.
(Oh, and Tory, if you're reading this -- you really have no business being here after the last comment you posted on my journal.)