How come every time I fall in love with a product, it gets discontinued behind my back?
I have this -amazing- notebook. It's called Orbit, and Top Flight makes it. It's got a strong plastic cover, a double spiral binding that doesn't start unweaving from the paper the way Mead ones do and pockets that are plastic and have big tabs on them. The pockets are large enough to actually put full sized sheets of paper in, and are diagonal across the pocket instead of horizontal. That means that my papers don't constantly fall out.
But best of all, it has a strong plastic removable tab. You can take it out of the binding and put it back in wherevery ou want. It makes flipping to the proper place in the notebook so freaking easy. They're still being made, I think, but I cannot find them ANYWHERE. Even the internets have failed me.
Also, Band-Aid used to make these awesome bandages that have no pad on them and are super flexible. They actually don't hurt coming off because of something about the glue (no idea), and I can knit and type in them, no problem. You can put them over joints with almost no loss in mobility. They don't last quite as long as some bandages, but seriously, why is that such a big deal, when compared to the advantages? (And they last longer than you'd think, even though the glue comes off way easier than other bandages, because there's no pad to absorb water and eat away at the glue.)
ALSO, Gold Medal makes a high gluten flour called 'Better for Bread'. I use to to make bread, yes, but it's good for pretty much any application where you use flour to hold something together. It works better for meatloaf, for example, and meatballs, and gives them an awesome consistency. They still make it, but nobody seems to carry it. WHY NOT?! It's a really good flour.
Also: I heard a rumor that the asshole who heckled the President during the health care speech like it was a town hall meeting tried to call to apologize, and didn't get past Rahm Emmanuel's office. THAT is a conversation I would have liked to hear.
(For entertainment, this Pulp Fiction-esque
conversation between Emmanuel and Blagojevich, to give you an idea about how I think it might have gone.)