No, not the wrestling ring. He and his deep, rough voice and slightly terrifying presence have been heading out in the the roughest territory possible -- Fox. He's had it out with Sean Hannity and Fox and Friends and he's frankly handing them their collective asses. He's got so many great quotes in the interview sessions that it's impossible to repeat all of them. Instead, you should hit
the Daily Show blog that rounds them up, and see the videos for yourself.
I'm not really a fan of Jesse Ventura politically, but I know a strong ally when I see one, and when someone's going to battle for things that I, too, believe in, I'm not going to fixate on the parts of our ideologies that don't dovetail perfectly.
BTW, the blog asks why he's wasting his good points on stupid people. The answer? Because if he goes on Olbermann, it turns into a liberal lovefest, and that's a very poor use for his talents. Ventura is good at scaring the shit out of people and busting heads, so he's taking his message right to the lion's den and -forcing- Fox viewers to get a good look at the other side.
(I especially liked how Hannity tried to end the interview on a parting shot, and Ventura wouldn't let him, and the think ended with the two of them still arguing. And then Hannity's last comment, instead of a parting shot, ended up being 'I don't know why I like you, but I do.' That was fucking awesome.)