Dec 17, 2004 16:06
today sucked!
i can't wait till xmas break cause then i can get away from this crap!!
i was scared all dey cause i got my speech grade back..i got a freakin 89..its bullshit! so that made me pissed and even more stressed out than i already was
then in lunch some shtuff(tahts shit and stuff joined together by the wey)anywey..some shtuff happened taht made me even more pissed and stressed out and a little disappointed! i jsut kept gettin worse as lunch went on
then in italian i had to retake a test~>so i had to sit at another table all freakin period and that made me more upset! i jsut want all of it to go away! all i want is for one thing to go my wey for a change!
--my two friends really like eachother..i feel left out everytime i'm with them..i think my other friend likes the guy i like but she keeps lying to me..i don't understand waht is going on in computer programming or trig..i'm gonna be more stressed when i find out my psat scores on monday..we are gonna get our progress reports soon and if i get neremarks about not doing homework i'mma be in huge trouble..the slut is back..and i know they are just jokin but i'm sorry being called pankakes is a little insulting!
yea thats pretty much whats stressin me out not that you care newey but ohwell