Jul 27, 2005 08:45
Yeah, just figured i'd do a quick update on here, since I haven't done an update in FOREVER and a half...But, uh, Ozzfest is getting really close, like a month from yesterday, I can't wait, i'm soooo excited about that...Hell yeah, bitches..I get to see Rob Zombie...And BLS....Kick ass...
Anywhoo, I think I am about to have two jobs...Which means, I will never be updating because I will never be home...I'm going to work during the day at Wal-mart, and keep working graveyards at Whataburger, hell yeah, i'm gonna be big pimpin'. I figured it out, and i'll be making about 1400 a month...Compared to my 8 I make now..Which will be really awesome....And that way I can save up money to finally move out...Or whatever...Maybe i'll eventually make it back to Florida, atleast for a visit...Moving there isn't in my plans any time soon..
But anyway, I talked to an old friend the other day...He called and left me a message on my cell, and I about flipped out..It was soo kewl to here from him...And he's the same old person he was when I left...Which is kewl, just he just wouldn't be him if he changed and stuff like that...But, I really am hoping that maybe sometime soon, I can go back to the old PC for a few days or something, I miss all those people, so much...No matter how many bad times there were, there was a reason for those bad times, and I have realized that..And everything, I think, worked out for the best...But whatever..What do I know, right?
Well, I guess that is really all for now..Talk to you bitches later..
White Trash Beautiful