Wed, 21:20: RT @ lil_cels: Petition to change “et al.” to “and gang” in academia
Wed, 21:20: RT @ SarawakianTalk: Biar orang jaik ngan kita. Kita jangan jaik juak. Hati kitak orang akan jadi tenang muka jadi kacak bila sik jaik ngan…
Wed, 22:40: I spent my 25th birthday during the lockdown last year. Never thought I'd be spending it differently this year for my 26th. Grateful for my family and friends despite these odd times. A lot can change in a year. Here's to another round of my mid-20s 🥂
Thu, 10:32: RT @ iisabellaxgray: Dying of laughter together is my favourite non sexual act of intimacy
Thu, 10:32: RT @ sfeashra: everyone wants a boyfriend who knows shit abt makeup until he can actually differentiate between a good makeup and a bad one……
Thu, 11:49: "I go to tinder just to make new friends". What he said when we were still together. Still goes on it even with having a new gf now. A-hole