Title: A Day of Wants(A Valentine's Day Fic)
purplewind88 Disclaimer: I don't own Heroes or plan to make any profit off of this. Although tipping your fanfic writer is allowed.
Rating: PG-13(Will get higher in other chapters)
Chapter: 1
Warnings: Slash, My ever first Mohinder/Matt or any Heroes fic, Not beted(If you wish to offer to beta the rest that'd be great!)
Summary: Matt decides a day succumbing to each other's wants is what's best for their relationship.
"Matthew. I want you to take me out. I want you to touch me in public. I want you to..." Chapter 1:
Something changed around the first of February. The world exploded with pink. Pink in different shades and different styles, he‘d never known then could be so many. Pink was on everything from flowers to candy bar wrappers. It was ridiculous but Americans seemed to eat up this holiday. Most didn’t know the dramatic history of St. Valentine, but they had seemed to make a cult around his name and around one day.
Along with color changes Mohinder also noticed a change in attitude. As he walked home from the grocery store he found himself walking past more public displays of affection than he’d ever seen. There was a couple making out on the bus stop, another in a stoop and dozens of couples walking by with hands groping for something intimate they could touch in public. All he could do was watch them with envy.
It wasn’t as if Mohinder was alone on this holiday of love, he had a great man to go home too. Matthew and he had admitted their love during the Christmas season. It had been an awkward affair and so far had become an awkward relationship. Neither of them had participated in a same sex partnership before. So far it hadn’t been too bad for a leap into the unknown. They had lived together for half a year before hand and nothing had really changed since their mutual announcement.
Perhaps that was the problem Mohinder was having. Not much had changed. Sure they sat closer on the couch now, slept in the same bed and shared intimate, sweaty moments together, but not much else. Matthew didn’t touch him when they left the house or even in the house some days. Just this morning he’d apologized for walking in the bathroom when Mohinder had been in the shower.(He’d purposely left the door slightly open knowing that Molly was safely on the school bus. He’d hoped to spice things up between them) Mohinder had never craved physical contact, but for some reason not getting much of it from Matt hew drove him insane. It was likely because he knew Matt was a touchy person. It was obvious by the way he acted around Molly. Mohinder wondered why he wasn’t worth a little bit of that attention.
So here he was watching young couples grope and kiss in public and he was jealous. It made his footsteps gain angry speed on their way home.
He walked up the many stairs to his apartment bags of food in hand. He was relieved when he made it to his door. He went to grab his keys only to realize that both of his hands were full. Ungracefully he balanced on one foot so he could use the other to kick the door.
He heard telltale giggling inside and he smiled. Molly was obviously home and seemingly being tickled by Matt. The image washed away all the annoyance from the day. The next noise he heard was the turning of the door knob.
Matt had Molly clinging to him mid piggyback ride. They both had a huge smile on their face when they saw him.
“Oh thank god it’s you. I thought I was a really anger Jehovah’s Witness,” Matt joked.
“Down! Down!” Molly cried trying to wiggle off of Matt. Matt swatted down and she scampered off of him. She ran right for Mohinder and hugged him tightly around his waist. He smiled down at her a bit confusedly before looking up at Matt. Matt just shrugged at him.
“Molly, as happy as I am to see you, these bags are heavy and I think your ice cream maybe melting,” Mohinder said in a soft tone.
Molly’s eyes went big and she moved back.
“YOU got ice cream? I thought that was Matt’s job!” Molly said a look of only half fake shock on her features.
“Well…huh…”Mohinder said as he walked into the house and around to the kitchen.
Matt shut the door for him and fallowed a very anxious Molly into the kitchen.
“Shhh,” he said down to Molly, “Your embarrassing him. We want to encourage this kind of behavior don’t we? You just need to give him a big thank you.”
“Thank you Mohinder!” she said looking as grateful as possible.
“I heard that you know,” Mohinder complained but he didn’t really mind. The pair of them brought a light to this dull apartment and he’d take any smart ass remarks he had too in order to keep them.
“I hear a lot of things, but you don‘t see me begging,” Matt teased and Mohinder rolled his eyes at the comment.
“You won’t hear so much if you learned to meditate. It’s proven to clear your mind and-”
“And put me to sleep,” Matt said watching with a sigh as Mohinder put in bag after bag of fresh veggies and fruits. Didn’t the man know how to eat anything else?
Matt watched Mohinder silently put the groceries away. Neither of them noticed Molly’s foot tapping in irritation.
“I’m going to go watch Spongebob,” she said going into her front room. The fact her “parents” could stand idly watching each other for hours hadn’t gone unnoticed by the little girl. Although the pair didn’t realize it.
Matt gave her a nod and watched her walk off.
“We should have her watching more educational television,” Mohinder said almost to himself. He doubted Matt would agree.
“I think Foster’s Home for Imagery Friends is on,” Matt teased.
Mohinder smiled where he would have argued just a few months ago. So far.…so good…maybe I shouldn’t bring it up today…
“Bring what up?” Matt asked interrupting his thought.
Mohinder’s hands dropped the pan he’d been about ready to put on the warming stove. It caused a loud clatter which Mohinder quickly tried to silence. He picked it up and where he’d been thinking of placing it.
“Well…I huh…” Mohinder said not sure how to respond for the second time that day.
“Is it….bad?” Matt asked his face and voice a mix of panic and concern. He stepped closer to Mohinder and scanned his face as if trying to read his mind without actually doing it. He’d done his best not to cross that boundary since they had started dating.
“No it’s not, it’s just…I’m not sure if you’ll like it,” he said his voice cracking a bit all the confidence having left him. His head turned down and he hid behind a screen of curls.
Matt lightened up glad that it wasn’t a bad thing. Too many bad things had happened lately. It was nice that something good, or possible good, was coming into play. Suddenly he felt a little like a boy on Christmas. He was anxious to know what was being kept from him.
“Tell me. I’m sure I’ll like it,” Matt said getting a bit closer.
This would be the perfect moment for him to put a hand on Mohinder’s should or give him a quick reassuring kiss. Mohinder’s body anxiously waited for the contact, but none came much to Mohinder’s chagrin.
“I made dinner reservations at Cloves for February fourteenth,” he explained.
“Fourteenth huh? God why does that sound important…but why can‘t I remember it?” Mat asked scratching his head comically. He crossed his arms and bit his lip as he realized that he sincerely couldn’t remember. Suddenly a look of realization and dismay passed over his soft features.
“That’s Valentines day and Cloves is a fancy like restaurant…it’ll be packed. Not to mention it’s not exactly kid friendly,” he said letting the apprehensions roll of his tongue.
“I only made reservations for two.”
“What about Molly? We can’t leave her here alone!” Matt yelled getting more angry than needed.
“She won’t be. I set up for the nice girls downstairs to take care of her for the night…”
“She’ll never be ok with this. What if something happens to her? After all we’ve been though do you really want to risk losing her to go out on some stupid date thing.”
“She has a cellphone and a direct link to your mind if something happens!” Mohinder exclaimed letting out a sigh of frustration. Why don’t you say what’s really bothering you bout this?
“What’s really bothering me? What are you talking about?” Matt said throwing his hands up in the in bewilderment.
“The fact that it would be a real date. You’d have to take me out in public not as your roommate but as your…your…”
“My boyfriend?” Matt demanded finishing the sentence for him.
The word hung in the air around them. It was an admittance that neither of them wanted to say aloud. Boyfriend meant so many things. It meant they were gay. That they would have to put up with the remarks, and Matt the thoughts, of all those bigots that won’t understand. That they would be measured up by all the stereotypes that came with being gay. It was hard to do especially since they didn’t seem themselves that way. They just fit together. The fact that they were both men didn’t mean anything to them. Both of them admitted that they didn’t even think about other men. They thought about how pretty girls were and such, but neither had fantasies about men on a regular basis. It’d been a bizarrely beautiful blessing that they had ended up together. But outside of this blissfully understanding home they were not simply Matt and Mohinder but a homosexual couple, damned by the church and banished from much of what people considered normal.
Mohinder knew he was ready to face this, but he wasn’t sure that Matt was. Matt was such a ‘man’s man’. He was a cop, a tough guy and the protective one. He surely didn’t want to ruin his reputation by going out a man date. Even though Cloves wasn’t there normal hang out it was public and someone might see them. Someone Matt worked with even. Mohinder knew that Matt had divulged to any of his co-workers that he had a male lover.
“Is that what you want? “ Matt asked his anger level coming down to be replaced with understanding.
“Yes. Is that so horrible?” he asked relieved to see Matt calmed down.
“No. I guess not. It’s just…”Matt started to say but couldn’t finish. He didn’t want Mohinder to think he was ashamed of him, but somehow the thoughts in his mind tallied up to that. He didn’t want to go out in public with his gay lover, he was scared. He was scared of the names, the disapproving looks. It didn’t help that they were so different. Mohinder was exotic, smart and handsome where Matt was just some home grown cop. They didn’t fit in the same picture frame and lots of people would notice.
“Matthew I want you to take me out. I want you to touch me in public. I want you to not care about what other people think about us. I want us to be a couple. I don’t want us to be just two guys that kiss in the dark and pretend it didn’t happen in the morning. I want to be able to brag about how funny you are to everyone I talk to. I want…” Mohinder said his eyes going a big dreamy while at the same time a bit sad, “I want people to be jealous of us.”
“That’s a lot of wants,” Matt said feeling overwhelmed. He hadn’t known his holding back was hurting Mohinder. He’d figure the scientist was more straight lace and guarded. He’d never expected that Mohinder was secretly a romantic.
“It sounds more like a lot of unreasonable demands now that I think about it,” he said turning back to cupboard and pulling out the teapot. He needed a cup of tea after this.
“No it doesn’t,” Matt said in a reassuring way and putting a hand on the middle of Mohinder’s back. He than moved around the other the man and jumped up on the counter before him. He sat there looking at him intensely as if thinking about something.
“I’ve got an idea!” Matt said wiggling a bit to get comfortable on the counter, “How about this…”
“Go on,” Mohinder said quietly.
He had this horrible image of Matt wanting to send Valentine’s at park as a family. where he’d spend more time with Molly than with him. It wasn’t that Mohinder wasn’t utterly in love with Molly too it was just that he got jealous of her too. Matt was always hugging her and playing around with her when they were out. He couldn’t help but feel excluded. They both could so easily put their hair down and have fun. It was awkward for him, he felt stiff and uneasy being so childish. It wasn’t the way he’d grown up and defiantly wasn’t something he’d been allowed to when he was older.
“Valentines day will be our day of wants,” Matt explained as if it was a brilliant idea.
“I have no idea what your talking about Matthew. Day of wants?” he asked thinking the other man meant it sexually.
“Yeah a day where we do what the other wants. The other requests something they won’t on a normal day and the other has to do it. Like you want me to hold your hands, you ask and I do it...no questions.”
“That could turn dirty very fast,” Mohinder said with a little smirk.
Matt nudged him and almost knocked him off balance. Mohinder was annoyed until he saw the playful smile on his face. Why was it so hard to stay made at those upturned lips?
“If won’t if we both pretend we’re mature adults.”
“Might be harder for you than I.”
“You’re the one that started with the dirty talk,” Matt said sticking his tongue out at him, “Well speaking of dirty talk…I have a want I want to call in ahead. That is if we are going to do this.”
“I think it’s a good idea. A chance for us both to voice what we want out of this relationship,” Mohinder said before his eyes went dark and he moved closer to Matt, a hand on his thigh, “And what your pre want day want?”
“To not…do anything…until that day. I want it all to be all new and special,” Matt said.
Mohinder’s eyes cleared and he seemed a little disappointed. He pulled his hand from Matt’s leg with a reluctance. He could see where Matt was coming from, but fourteen days, two weeks, was a long time.
“I’ll try and respect that. Do I get a want as well?” he asked.
Matt nodded without having to think about it saying, “Only fair.”
“I want you in a suit. A real professional looking outfit, clean shaven like you enjoy going out to fancy restaurants often.”
“That’s a tall order, but I think I can pull it if for you. I want you in a tan suit with none of those horrible print shirts that take away from your face under it,” Matt teased him.
Mohinder looked down at the red and white flowers that were covering his shirt in an almost Hawaiian print.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”
Matt wasn’t sure how to address the subject. Luckily he didn’t have too. They were interrupted by a high pitched voice.
“When’s dinner?”
They both looked over to see Molly standing at the edge of the kitchen.
She saved your ass Mohinder thought rather loudly. Matt only snickered at him.
“Soon. I’m going to start making it now,” he said bowing his head to her.
“Good I’m hungry. Oh and Daddy Matt I’m ok with going to the ladies house for Valentines day. Mohinder already asked me about it and I’m really looking forward to going.”
Matt wasn’t sure rather to be angry or glad that Molly was alright with it. It must have shown on his face because she quickly said.
“They have a huge big screen plasma tv and promised to let me watch Finding Nemo on it. Nemo is going to be like the size of my head,” Molly explained.
Matt laughed at her and rubbed a hand through her hair before looking up at Mohinder. The other man nodded to him and he nodded back. The silent understanding was all that he needed.
To be continued...