Jun 29, 2009 01:14
I do not bemoan the celebrity deaths. Why? Well I asked myself that very same question, and what I came up with was that while they may be iconic in nature, they may influence greatness in one form or another, they are still just people. Yup, that's right, people, like you and me. And to cry extra hard because the famous have passed is a sham. We give such credibility to these idiots who change their skin color, have plastic surgery, sell the next greatest product or do TV and movies, and we love them? Nay, I say turn your weary eye away from this publicity. It is not in us to be these pariahs, it is in us to be the normal working class of our society. Why envy what they have/had, why be saddened by their loss? They were not great people, they may have given more than you or I could to charities and such, but why feel any pain for the death of a celebrity? Seriously? Why cry when a pop-icon has died? They merely give way to a more talented individual, ...eventually. Why cry for their death? Why not celebrate that they have moved on, to whatever destination lies after our physical death. Hooray, they are gone from this existence and we need not wonder why. Their torch is extinguished so another can be lit. So is the way of life. And so, I do not mourn these deaths, they have not stricken me with a sense of need to sob for their loss. They were not worth the body they inhabited and so they have moved on, as will we when we are no longer worth the bodies we have. So cry not, instead let it be known that the podium is now empty for another.