Title: Handholding
Rating: PG, indirect reference to, well, assassination
Pairing: Ezio/Leo pre slash
Summary.....see title
notes: bassair asked for it, and I provided.
Ezio's sense of what society expects of him is warped, and he knows it. He was still young when he became an assassin and he has not had the time or, really, the inclination to socialize with people outside the circle of those who know what he does since then.
He still can pass uncommented on better than Leonardo can, even on day where his whites have streaks of red, because Leonardo, as far as Ezio can tell, doesn't seem to care.
Or maybe the tinkerer really is that obvious, it's hard to tell. It's even harder to scold him about it, nearly impossible in the face of so much pure enthusiasm, so when Leonardo grabs his hand and pulls, chattering as he directs Ezio's attention, Ezio doesn't protest.
He doesn't try and reclaim it, even after Leonardo has switch topics a few times, followig the artist on his ramble around the city.