Negative values
Comment to this entry and I'll pick up to three of your fandoms. You must then update your journal and answer the following questions:
1. What got you into this fandom in the first place?
2. Do you think you'll stay in this fandom or eventually move on?
3. Favorite episodes/books/movies, etc?
4. Do you participate in this fandom (fanfiction, graphics, discussions)?
5. Do you think more people should get into this fandom?
ickaimp gave me Torchword, From Erocia With Love and DCMK, which I am doing in backwards order because two of them are connected.
1 I was clicking around in the yugioh section of, where I found
Negative Values and went to her profile for more fic, since I tended not to read by fandom but by author. The stuff at the top was DCMK, and I loved it.
2 See, after reading Ysaet's stuff, I wanted more.
ickaimp 's was (is) the second link on her links, and I found the gray series will proably keep reading it as long as she keeps writing it.
3 You know, I've only read about half of MK? And I've seen 3 episode and read 4 chapters of DC?
4 Not really. My brain keeps trying to get Dorian, Kaito, and
Jeremy in the same room, but I haven't actually written anything for it, and I don't think <3 counts as dicussions.
5 Yes! it's a teeny tiny fandom with great characters, and I want my Hakuba fix.
From Eroica With Love
1 I blame Icka. I blame Icka for quite a few fandoms, actually, but I blame Icka's Grey Zone fic
Shades of Red for this one.
2 Yes. I love Dorian. I have Dorian muse that, aside form ficcing, comments on A) the [sometimes bad] fashion choices people make and B) the very gay guys at school. Well, that and it's still being translated.
3 My favorite is the side story where we see both why Dorian started as a theif and how he lost his virginity. D: Sad. And, um, pretty much any scene with G, Z, or Klaus in it. The whole series just fills me with giddiness.
4 I used to, but not recently. Hopefully, since I finally have internet access again I'll be able to. I found three unfinished fics -- in need of over hauling-- when I wwent thorugh my laptop, and Dorian!muse had decreed that they will be written.
5 Yes! Again it's a small fandom, but it's preeeeettttttttttty.
1 I have no idea. None at all.
2 I think I'm here to stay. I like Torchwood, and i love Ianto and Jack where it's going. Plus, Doctor Who! miniseries soon!
3 I think From Out Of The Rain and Something Barrowed are two of my favorites. And Reset. And Adam. <3
4 Not really.
5 I don't know. Mostly I just read
copperbadge's stuff and fangirl with
jayellebee .