A rant!

Aug 01, 2006 09:27

I've been intending to have this rant for a while now. I just haven't had the time or energy. It's something important to me though so I'm gonna have my rant one way or the other ;-) It shall be entitled......

Fucking arseholes in cinema's!

As you know we went to see Superman last Monday and thoroughly enjoyed the actual film. I dind't particularly enjoy the experience though!
Because some selfish bastard parent had decided to take along their child who was obviously too young to watch a film an hour long let alone 2 and a half hours long!
My rant is about selfish bastard parents and this stupid fucking rule that means if an age limit has an A beside it then anybody can see the film as long as they are accompanied by someone of the correct age. Ok so stupid bastards might be in the minority (doens't seem like it sometimes) but for fuck sake all the film classifacation board has done is give people free reign to ruin films for everybody!
Seriously guys....those of you who have seen Superman Returns....do you really think it's suitable for a 3 year old??? Do you really think a 3 year old has the attention span to watch a two ad a half hour film???
Without wanting to give anything away to the people who haven't seen it, we had this child crying his eyes out in fear at one point. If the film were suitable for his age range he wouldn't have been affected like that. Did the parent take him out and calm him down....NO we had to put up with his noise. Toward the end of the film we had the child shouting over the film that he really needed a wee wee....did the selfish fucking parent take him toilet...NO she was too busy trying to watch the end of the film which meant it was ruined for the rest of us as we had to sit and listen to "I need a wee wee" every few seconds for the last 15 mins! The people directly in front had their seats kicked constantly cos he was bored and well you can imagine the rest!
I was fuming and I'm sorry to say it but I hoped that child had pissed himself and I hoped the parents would have to deal with nightmares just to teach them a lesson! I wouln't have been surprised at either!

Film companies keep moaning about piracy is ruining the industry....Surley it's the fact that people can't go to the cinema anymore and actually enjoy a film due to disturbances! If you don't get children in there that are to young for the films (5 year olds for King Kong, 3 year olds for Superman), you get ignorant fuckwits talking all the way through, you get the stupid bastard answering his mobile phone and having a conversation, you get people who can't hold their bladders cos they thought it a good idea to down 3 pints before the film, or you get children that constantly want more sweets so are up and down fetching them!

Is it any wonder people prefer to get hold of a dodgy dvd and watch it in the comfort of their own home where you can garantee no disturbances!!!
I used to really enjoy going to the cinema, these days I dread it and will only go if it's a film I really want to see. Who's fault is it!!! Well it's cettainly got a lot to do with whoever came up with the stupid fucking idea of allowing any age in, it's certainly the fault of the cinema's for not having anyone in the theatre's anymore checking up on people's behaviour (then again they make more noise throwing people out than the actual people do) and it's most cetainly the fault of the ignorant fuckwit who thinks we want to deal with their badly behaved children, listen to thir conversations and deal with children that are too young

End Rant!!!
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