[public!] She's Leaving Home - Chapter 2 [Castiel/Anna]

Oct 22, 2011 11:11

Title: She's Leaving Home - Chapter 2: The First Day of My Life [2/5or6]
Author: purpletrance
Rating: PG for fluff n' stuff with a vague mix of adult themes. [5,207words]
Genre: Fluff/Romance
Pairings: Anna/Castiel
Warnings: Ho-hum. I'm doing this chapter-ficlet revolving around Cas & Anna and their history that wasn't really delved into. Eventually it will lead up to events in Season 4, although let it be known that it goes a little AU toward the end, because I'm not going to follow the events of what happened between them in Season 5. This chapter is still taking place in Heaven, although they've been around a bit longer than the prior chapter, so please note that in human!years, I'd say Cas is in his late teens and Anna is in her early twenties. Mentally! Angel!Aging is weird, right?
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and I'd actually be pretty terrified if I did, because I wouldn't want to displease fans. :x
Summary: Anna introduces Castiel to two holidays on Earth -- Easter & more importantly, Valentine's Day. THERE'S CAKE INVOLVED. xD 'Nuff said! Meanwhile, Cas struggles with staying loyal to God and managing his growing feelings for Anna.

Missed Part 1? See it, here.
Part 1

Castiel grimaced inwardly as he trudged slowly across a cloud. He could have used his wings, but he was so down on himself at the moment that he felt that he didn’t deserve them. Needless to say, being a Soldier of the Lord was mentally and physically demanding, and he hadn’t expected such a challenge.

Today had been especially sour because he had accidentally slipped out a piece of “Human terminology” as Anna had called it, and after the eternity he had spent repenting over the matter, he wasn’t too eager to attend practice again. As if he had a choice.

Sighing, he ran his hand through his hair and inwardly told himself to deal with it. He had taken an oath to God, and he was going to keep that oath. End of story.

His personal temptress popped up shortly after he finished sulking, and he caught a flash of red in her hands before she placed both of her hands behind her back. She leaned forward, practically bouncing on her tip-toes as she glared at him.

“W-what?” Despite her happy demeanor, her glare was a tad intimidating.

“Silly Cas! You can’t be in a bad mood today of all days, you dope!”

If any other Angel had said as such, he’d have flinched, but he knew Anna meant it in some form of nicety. He cocked an eyebrow at her warily, wondering what she was referring to, and more importantly, how much energy it was going to exert from his already exhausted body.

“…I’ll bite,” he slowly said this, slightly scared that his practice memories of earlier would come back to haunt him since he used another “human phrase.” However, it always seemed to please Anna when he said such things, and he didn’t see the harm given that they were alone.

“Hee. It’s Valentine’s Day, which means you get a present!” She surprised him by tossing the red object in her hand at him, and he nearly toppled over in surprise before he caught it, blushing slightly when she giggled at him.

“Valentine’s Day? Present?” He stood staring dumbly down at the red packaging in his hands.

He knew enough to know that what he was holding was some form of paper exchanged between humans, but he had no idea why it was so red, or why it simply said 'Castiel' and nothing else.

“Valentine’s Day is a holiday on Earth - Humans basically use it as an excuse to shower each other with lots of presents - presents are like special items given from one person who cares a lot about another. Kind of like our feathers, remember?” Castiel was nodding, and although the faithful side of him was screaming to fly - fly far away - because she was obviously being blasphemous, telling him of even more Human-related things, he found that his curiosity was stronger than said faith at the moment.

…Which actually worried him slightly, but he found that his fingers were ripping open the paper at Anna’s eager nodding before he could continue to think on it. It was strange, the excitement he suddenly felt from simply tugging at paper, but he found that the rip rip noise gave him a strange sense of satisfaction.

He pulled out a small piece of red paper that matched the envelope that was folded down the middle. Opening it, he gasped when a small piece of paper fell out - this one, white in color.

“Don’t worry about that yet, Castiel. Just read the car-um, the red sheet of paper.” Castiel was slightly relieved that she was trying to use terminology that he could actually understand for once. The red paper had only one sentence written across it -

‘Glad I didn’t die before I met you.’


He blinked a few times and shook the card, as if expecting something else to fall out, but nothing did. What a peculiar thing to say - it’s not as if Angels dying was commonplace, so Castiel didn’t understand why she would even think of her own demise. It caused him to shiver slightly, and he glanced up at her, confused, and a little sad, because the thought of Anna dying was…unthinkable.

“You’re going to have to read the other paper now, Cas!” Suddenly, without warning, she brought her wings forth and shot herself into the air like a cannon-ball…and then she was gone.

Even more confused, he hastily unfolded the white piece of paper, this one clearly labeled with instructions. His brows furrowed together as he read, surprised as he realized that each was a note telling him to go to a specific area in heaven. At the bottom, Anna wished him good luck with his “very first scavenger hunt” and he gaped at the words, wondering what they meant.

After a while, he realized that glaring at the paper wasn’t going to help it make any sense, so he eventually decided to check out the areas she listed.


The first area was a small hill of sorts, and he found another message waiting for him upon the hill.

‘Humans use me to eat - the way they regenerate of sorts, remember?’

He vaguely did - Anna and he tended to speak of Earth a lot, and she had told him a lot of silly and basically useless (to them, at least) information over time, although she seemed to take such pride in everything that she knew, so he humored her by listening. Perhaps she was testing him, now? Castiel flexed his hands slightly, annoyed with his failures during training. If he could do anything right today, it was going to be this gosh-darn lavender hunt. …Or was it scavenger?

“Um…spoon…thing…oh! I know, Anna! It’s spooning!” He yelled this loudly, figuring that was how she expected him to answer, and he heard a shriek of giggles in response.

“Not quite, Cas. Remember - spoons aren’t the only utensil.” Her voice came in response, but when he looked around, he couldn’t see her.

“Oh, yeah…a spork, right? Humans combine the word to create a spoon and a…fork, which creates a spork!” He was so incredibly confident that it was an actual blow to his ego when she began to giggle again.

“Sure, Cas. A spork - definitely.” There was such laughter in her tone that he wondered if he had actually gotten it correct, but before he had a chance to ask, the spork…things…dropped into his hands.

“Hang onto those, ‘kay?”

“…Why?” He looked above, as if she could see him better like that, but she didn’t respond. Groaning, he glanced at the paper again and saw that this time, she directed him to an area he visited often - the Elysian Fields.


This note was just as vague -

‘You’ve never seen me before, but I’m in this field. I’m the exact color of Anna’s Grace.’

Castiel blinked twice before glancing around at the flowers that littered the ground - they were all white just like all of their Graces were.

“Is this a trick question?” He yelled to the sky, a slight sullen whine in his tone.

“You’ve already forgotten about that day, Cas?” Her voice sounded sad.

“’That day,’” he repeated, allowing his brain to float down a stream in his memories, coming upon what felt like an eternity ago - they were just kids, really, when he found out that Anna could change the color of her Grace.

“I remember, Anna! It’s red, right!?” He was surprised with the frantic tone to his voice as he called out, and he realized that it was because she had sounded sad, and he really, really couldn’t have that. ...He had no clue why, but he needed her to be happy.

“You still have to find out what I’m talking about, though!” Relief spread when her tone sounded childish and full of glee again.

He scanned the area, getting rather into what he was doing, now. White, as far as the eye could see. The fields were huge, so he ran around for a while, looking. Anna asked once why he didn’t simply fly from above, but he shushed her quickly, telling her she was interrupting his search.

In reality, Castiel had no idea what had come over him. He was feeling like a child again, and for once, the task ahead of him wasn’t as difficult as his training for the Lord was. He felt…anxious. Anxious to see Anna again, but even more anxious as to what he was looking for, and the act of finding it. He was familiar with the word ‘hunt’ but the scavenger part…to search? Castiel found that it was actually rather…fun. Was he supposed to have fun, being a Soldier?

Finally, a splash of red caught his eye and he nearly toppled over as he ran toward it completely forgetting his thoughts. He wasn’t sure what to do as he skidded to a stop, as what she had wanted him to find looked quite delicate.

“That’s called a ‘rose,’ Cas - a must-have for Valentine’s Day! Just pluck it from the cloud - but be real, real careful, okay? I was only able to nab one from Earth, and I doubt the Angels would be thrilled to know that something from Earth was growing in our Elysian Fields…”

Castiel shifted a moment after she said that, wondering to himself if he could get into possible trouble for even touching the ‘rose’ - but his brain reminded him about the effort he put into finding it, and he nodded and bent down and carefully plucked the rose.

“Great! Your last challenge…” She paused, booming her voice out suddenly and quite dramatic. Castiel held his breath, exhilarated that they were going to play some more.

“…Is to find where I am!” Castiel frowned at the sky, as that wasn’t even a challenge.

“Anna, c’mon,” he whined slightly, wanting another challenge.

“No, you c’mon, Castiel! It’s not like the life of a rose is eternal after it’s plucked!” Glancing at the rose to make sure it was okay, Castiel nodded, having not even thought on that particular matter. He often forgot that most things or entities didn’t have his Angelic lifespan.

“I’m on my way to your favorite place.” Castiel tucked the rose against his chest, careful that it wouldn’t drop when he took off into the skies.

“Look for a red piece of cloth!” With that, she was silent again. Castiel almost wanted to ask why everything had to be red, but he decided against it. To be honest, red was starting to become his favorite color, which was odd in itself, as Angels weren’t supposed to think on silly things like colors.

Attempting to shrug off the constant “sinner!” yell in his ear-drums from his conscious, he took off into the sky to meet with Anna.


Spotting Anna sitting on a piece of red cloth, as she had mentioned, he landed by the usual area with a ray of light. Clouds were spilling over another area close by, a waterfall of blue-sparkled clouds against a sunny back-drop from the rays of light coming from the sun. It might have just been his favorite place, too, except that he found he never quite enjoyed the atheistic beauty unless Anna was around.

“Castiel, over hereee!” She waved happily from the cloth, which he now noticed was actually checkered with white squares across the red hue.

“Silly goose!” She popped him playfully on the nose with the tip of her finger as she grabbed the spork-things and held up a glass vase. “You could have gotten here a lot quicker if you had just flown around and looked for the rose!” He blushed, remembering her attempt to get him to do that earlier.

“Oh, um…s-sorry. I was…” He trailed off, unsure as to how to say such a thing out-loud.

“Enjoying yourself?” He nodded, staring at the ground as if he was rebelling.

“So...why did I do that?” Castiel had just now thought about why he was actually grabbing these things, and Anna wagged the glass vase in his face again at his question.

“Put the rose in here, okay? Let’s go, let’s go!” She was dragging him now, although he had no idea why she was so excited. Anna was always enthusiastic, but she was positively beaming at this point.

As they got closer to the cloth, he took note that she had a few items that he didn’t recognize placed upon it, and Anna plopped the vase with the rose inside right in the middle of the medium-sized checkered cloth with all the other strange items.

“What is all of this?” He knew he could attempt to try and figure it out, but he had a feeling that she would just laugh at him more, and he had been chastised enough today, honestly.

“Well, we got the rose and the glass vase for the mood - this sorta thing is considered romantic on Earth! This over here is a basket with eggs in it. Pretty, huh? I colored ‘em myself! Basically, Humans hide eggs on Earth and go on ‘Scavenger Hunts’ to find them. Even though it’s Valentine’s Day, I thought it’d be fun to introduce you to Easter, too.”

Castiel was having trouble focusing on the part about her explaining the Holiday that the ‘Scavenger Hunt’ went with, as ‘this sorta thing is considered romantic on Earth’ kept echoing in his head. Why in the Heavens would Anna want a romantic outing with him? It took everything in him to not chastise her on her terrible taste in Angels.

“Cas? You okay? You, um…you didn’t have a problem with the Scavenger Hunt, did you?” She was staring at her feet uncomfortably now, shifting awkwardly, and alarm bells went off inside of his head, realizing he had been silent for a while after what she had said.

“No…no, Anna. I had…” He paused, gulping, and leaned forward almost to the point that his nose was touching hers. “Um, fun,” he even cupped his hand over his mouth, as if that would stealth what he was saying from an all seeing and all-knowing God.

She brightened immediately and shocked him when she closed the gap between them and kissed his cheek - something she had told him about before, but he assumed he would never get the chance to try, as it was such a physical and personal endeavor, and he hadn’t the time for either.

“So, I’ve actually got a surprise over here, Cas…sit down on that side of the cloth, okay?” He was touching the area that her lips had brushed - it was still warm. Was all physical interaction so heated and…pleasant?

“Cas! Cloth. Now.” She stamped her foot, looking slightly amused as she noticed he was dumb-founded after her little smooch to his cheek. He blushed, and quickly scrambled and sat down on the cloth, although he thought it a tad silly when there were fresh clouds every-which-away.

She sat down as well and waved her hands, and suddenly, two candles were also sitting around the glass vase with the rose, and they were lit. His eyes widened, impressed with her abilities - but then, she was older than him.

After that, she leaned backward and Castiel noticed for the first time that another basket sit behind her, although this one wasn’t filled with eggs. Anna produced a large, round, incredibly dark looking…pile.

“A-Anna?” Castiel was slightly nervous and again fought the urge to flee, as he had never seen many of the things she had shown him today, and learning…wasn’t always a good thing when you were simply meant to be a Soldier. However, she turned to him, holding the pile, and grinned brightly at him, and somehow, through that grin, he found that he couldn’t leave - even if he had wanted to.

“Now, this, plus all the red, the candles, and the rose are the epitome of Valentine’s Day, Castiel!

“…Mmm.” He gaped at her in shock when she ran a finger through the dark pile and stuck it into her mouth.

“Are…are you okay!?” He jumped up at once, wondering if she was going to keel over after having actually…consumed something. They were Angels; they didn’t need to consume…piles, or whatever it was.

Anna sat the pile down and jumped up as well, wiping her finger off on her clothes before grabbing his hand. He wondered how she managed to always stay so warm - he always felt so cold, but then again, everything about Anna screamed warmth.

“Cas, calm down, okay? It’s just chocolate cake - Humans eat chocolate on Valentine’s Day, and well, um…I really like it…so, I thought…we could share some?” She was talking slower than usual, a blush creeping unto her face that caught him off guard. He stiffly nodded, although he found that he couldn’t bring himself to sit down. He hadn’t ever consumed before - what if it did something to him?

“Do you want to have a romantic time with me, Cas?” Despite the “sinner!” yelling in his ear-drum, this question was much, much easier to answer. Still holding her hand, he pulled her to the cloth and seated himself where he had been before, folding his pale hands together and twiddling his thumbs in nervousness.

“Thank you.” When he looked up at her, he saw for a moment that there were what looked like tears in her eyes, but she blinked, and they vanished. Quite suddenly she was grinning again and plopped down across from him.

“Okay! Cas, these aren’t actually called ‘sporks’ you silly! This is a spoon, and this, a fork!” She held up both and quickly explained the basics of what she called ‘eating’ to him, and handed him the…pointy one.

She had the spoon and he watched as she stabbed the ‘chocolate cake’ with said spoon and proceeded to bring a pile of it to her mouth (it was a large pile, and Castiel was surprised that she could ‘eat’ so much with her little body) and popped it in…rather slowly.

Once the cake was in her mouth, she then pulled the spoon out rather leisurely, her tongue swirling around the edges to get all of the frosted-looking stuff off of it. For some reason, Castiel found that he was suddenly very, very flushed as he watched her eat, although he hadn’t any idea why.

“Mmm. So, soo good! Your turn! …Uh, Cas?” Once he realized Anna was staring at him, he noticed with embarrassment that his mouth had been slightly agape as he had watched her lick the spoon-thingie.

Shaking his head and wishing to fast-forward the moment, he grabbed the pointy-fork as if he was holding a weapon and proceeded to stab the cake roughly and then pulled the fork out. He felt cheated in some way when he noticed there wasn’t a thing on the fork, despite feeling that he had done the exact same thing Anna had done.

“Oh, right! You’re a Soldier. Castiel, don’t hold it like a sword, okay?” She was suddenly next to him, holding her hand over his own as he was shown exactly how to twist his hand as he held a fork.

“Then, you just go like this, see…” Instead of stabbing at the cake, she slowly guided his hand to the top of an untouched area of the cake and rooted up a small area which then went onto the fork.

“So…you don’t stab it?” He felt Anna’s body rumble as she chuckled against him, still holding his hand and the fork with cake on it.

“Silly goose,” she mumbled, telling him that ‘no, no you don’t stab at it, you idiot.’ He grimaced, knowing that’s not what she said and that she would never say such a thing to him, but he couldn’t help but hear it that way. It was his usual self-doubt coming back to haunt him - and it seemed to be the strongest when Anna was near.

“Now, you slowly…bring it up here…” She brought the cake to the front of his mouth, although he kept his lips tightly shut, his nerves suddenly flaring, which then caused his hand to tremble. Anna got a firmer grip onto his hand, steadying it as the cake managed to stay in place.

“Anna, um…I’m…scared. I’ve never eaten anything before and...I don’t think I want to.”

Disappointment etched her features suddenly, and he had never felt like such a loser - not even when he was chastised at practice earlier. Somehow, emotions tended to be amplified when he was with Anna, and he wasn’t sure if he liked that or not.

“Well…okay.” She sighed in defeat and took the fork, setting it to the side, although she didn’t put the uneaten cake back - not that it mattered. It wasn’t much. Anna still sat beside him though, looking as though she was lost in thought.

“Did I…upset you?” He was afraid to ask, more-so because he was terrified of her answer. Anna glanced over at him and grinned mischievously suddenly, and Cas found his stomach sinking, wondering what crazy idea she had come up with so quickly.

“Not in the slightest!” Castiel was going to sigh, relieved, but Anna suddenly pounced on him, knocking him backward a bit, their midsections and legs tangled together.

Castiel would have protested had it been anyone else, but his brain couldn’t seem to function too well as she was squirming a bit to keep him in place, which caused her mid-area to consistently rub against his. For some odd reason, it was very, very distracting.

“Got you, now!” Was all Anna said before closing the rest of the space between them when she pressed her lips against his own, her hands coming to rest on his face a little roughly. His eyes widened, really, unsure of what to do in return, and he felt slight panic and embarrassment as he realized he didn’t even know how to kiss.

She surprised him further by launching her tongue into his mouth, opening his mouth wider than he thought was physically possible. He was squirming now, underneath her, his brain finally realizing what was happening and how absolutely sinful it would be in the eyes of the Lord.

He attempted to mention this to Anna, but her tongue was so engrossing that the thought left his mind as quickly as it had entered. She swished her tongue around a little more and kept him pinned by her own mid-section. Despite trying to get away, he surprised himself when he heard a moan escape his own mouth.

Quite suddenly, Anna straightened up, although she oddly kept her hands as roughly against his face as she had when she initiated the kiss. She reached over, although he wasn’t sure why - he was too busy seeing stars and attempting to control the growing body-heat in his mid-section.

“Stay still, Cas. This won’t hurt a bit!” He looked at her in horror when he realized that it had all been a distraction - her pinning him down, the kiss, the way her tongue had opened his mouth, the roughness of her hands as she kept his mouth open - all a distraction...for cake.

He squirmed underneath her desperately now, but it was in total vain, because she shoved the fork into his mouth. He was slightly satisfied that his squirming had caused some of it to go onto his face, instead of into his mouth.

“Hut doo Hi doo nhow?” he asked, the cake simply sitting against his tongue and tasting…well, tasting good.

Anna proceeded to teach him how to chew and swallow with motions from her own mouth, and he managed after a few minutes of chewing before she reminded him that he had to swallow. He did so, and she leapt off of him quite suddenly, clapping her hands together.

“Congratulations, Cas! You just had your first bite of ‘Devil’s Food Cake!’” He had missed the warmth of her against his mid-section, but he didn’t think on that anymore when he heard ‘Devil’ - instead, he nearly choked and wondered if Angels could regurgitate.

“Lucifer eats this cake?” He stared at her in horror, wondering how she could feed him such a thing, his thoughts racing with what sort of repentance he would have to offer for this.

“Ahaha! No, no. I was just messing with you, eheh. It’s just a name, Cas. Humans name foods after weird stuff - you know they have ‘Angel Food Cake’ too?” He relaxed slightly at this, but a question was raised.

“Couldn’t we have had the Angel kind?” His voice was slightly desperate - she had already violated his innocence enough for one day and she couldn’t have even made his first bite of something Angelic!?

“Eh. It really, really doesn’t taste as good - honestly.” She waved her arm in dismissal, and Castiel got a little annoyed, wanting to tell her that the same could be said in reality of Angels and Demons.

Being an Angel was difficult and sometimes…bland, but it was the right way to spend life. Demons seemed to have more ‘fun’ but they were Demons which meant they were going to go back to Hell someday. However, he stayed silent and chose not to preach at her - he didn’t want to ruin her holiday.

“…Want some more?” She held up the platter, and even though he was mentally exhausted from his awful practice and Anna dragging him around for quite a bit, he nodded.


Anna had cut up the cake this time, giving him a piece while taking some for herself, as well. He looked at her in surprise when she shoved the cake into her mouth (such a large piece) that it smeared across her lips, but she seemed delighted that it did. Kicking her feet in happiness as she made “mmm!” noises constantly, Castiel nibbled at his cake slightly, feeling content with just watching her eat.

“You do realize your face is starting to look as though it’s made of cake?” He finally asked, after her third or fourth helping.

“Semantics!” She guffawed, cake still in mouth, as she shook her arm, brushing his comment off. Even with a face and mouth of cake, Castiel marveled at how Anna still managed to look, well…lovely.

“Besides…you’re not exactly a poster-boy for an Angel of the Lord, yourself.”

Vaguely understanding what she meant, he reached up and felt chocolate across his lips, the memory of Anna shoving the cake into his mouth spilling back to him. The memory of Anna pinning him against the cloth, the memory of their mid-sections sparring, the memory of her soft lips, the memory of her taste…

“Hey! Heaven to Cas, Heaven to Cas…you in there?” She had finally sat the cake down and crawled over to him in concern.

“Anna.” He suddenly felt serious, and he hated it. He wanted things to stay happy and playful forever, but their very existences were based on lack of emotion. Still, he felt bad when she flinched at the tone of his voice, settling back onto the cloth in a sitting position.

“Everything that we’ve done today…is very, very wrong. I’m going to have to pray for a long time to feel better about it.” He grimaced, reality crashing in as he thought on all of the activities they had done today - each, not being very “Angelic.”

“Did it feel wrong, Cas?” His brows furrowed together at this as he realized it actually felt quite nice, but that was the problem.

“We’re not supposed…I’m not supposed to feel anything - I’m a Soldier-in-training, Anna. You know that. At training, I messed up and slipped out a Human term around the others, and it was…bad. What if I do it again after everything about Earth and Humans that I’ve learned today? What if…what if Zachariah can sense that we’ve…done something together?” Her mouth upon his, her tongue darting across his - would Zachariah sense it? Could he?

“Castiel,” she started, her voice taking a very serious tone, her arms crossed, and he stiffened, wondering if he had offended her. “You could be so much more than a Soldier. You are so much more than a Soldier - to me. If you continue to spend time with me - things will get complicated. You have to prepare yourself for that…or leave.”

Anna’s voice held an underlying sadness that he couldn’t understand, but he thought about what she said and slowly nodded. She had told him he was more than a Soldier to her, and quite honestly, that felt…good. He couldn’t imagine not spending his after-training time with Anna, as the other Angels activities…weren’t very fun compared to this.

“I…I want to stay, Anna,” he confessed, truthfully, “It’s just that this is so wrong - what if God doesn’t forgive me?” His lip trembled slightly at the thought of being turned away from his Father. She shook her head and smiled sadly at him.

“I can’t speak for God, Cas. However, I can tell you that I’ve learned God is forgiving. Know how I know? I’ve been doing things like this even longer than you have, and I’m still…here. The only ones who would be angry are “Those without Personalities” - the Angels like Zachariah and Uriel, among others. I think God is an all-forgiving entity.”

He settled a little, realizing that God would have long ago lay wrath upon Anna if he disapproved of what she was doing, which meant that he was most likely safe as well.

“Can I have some more cake?” She grinned at his question, quickly dropping a fresh slice in front of him.

“Just don’t make me have to feed you, again!” She wagged her finger at him, and he licked his lips appreciatively, realizing he still had frosting-stuff smeared across them.

“These chocolate marks will disappear in a while, right?” Angels didn’t have to bathe, as everything was washed away over time, and he prayed that the Humans chocolate would be as such.

“Yeah - but isn’t that kind of a dull way to clean up?” Confused, he glanced at her questioningly but didn’t have to wait long, because she was crossing the space between them suddenly and had brought her lips to his own again, softly, and he felt her tongue gently licking at the chocolate across them.

He smiled in response, and she carefully placed her hand on the back of his head to keep him in place while she cleaned him up.

“Don’t freak out on me, Cas, but I do think you’re smiling.” He closed his eyes, feeling blissful.

“Don’t tell…Zachariah…” He mumbled breathlessly, and he felt her pause against him.

“Ew. Don’t bring him up right now, okay?” He nodded, all too eager to forget him as well, and then suddenly, something occurred to him, causing him to open his eyes. He was over-taken with her eyes directly staring into his, full of something he couldn’t place - but it was nice, whatever she was feeling.

“Happy Valentine’s Day, Anna. That’s what you say, right?” Castiel rejoiced at having figured out something on his own when she nodded against him in delight, and she licked the last bit of chocolate from his lips.

“Mmm. I knew chocolate cake was my favorite,” she declared, and Castiel gave a small smile again, wondering if his face would crack if he did so much more.

It wasn’t such a bad day after all.

Author Note of Randomness: If you're wondering "why chocolate cake?" well, first off -- I thought it would be fun to make a "Lucifer eats this cake!?" joke with it, because alarmed!Cas is just hilarious, and more importantly, in one of the Anna!introduction episodes in which she spends her last night on Earth as a human, she mentions to Dean (as they're arguing about what's so great about being human) that "chocolate cake" is a perk. Therefore, it seemed IC to include it.

fiction: castielxanna, supernatural, public!entry

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