exciting news

May 09, 2008 19:19

i have exciting news. but first a little back story. on april 17, i fell off a ladder and broke my ankle. we were setting up for prom and 
profanecherry told me NOT to get on the ladder until she came back and as soon as she left i got on the ladder and promptly fell 8 ft onto the newly varnished hardwood floors. i then put on my pretty dress and heels and partied with the kids. the next day i discovered my ankle was broken. i'm now wearing this gigantic gray boot on my leg and it's annoying. my ankle also hurts alot. in addition to this graduation is in 2 weeks and the seniors are all falling apart and the atmosphere at school is stressful to say the least. the drama class (my class) is putting on the spring play on tuesday and 2 days ago i find out that one of my actors can no longer be in the play and must be replaced. in addition no one has their lines memorized so yesterday we cut out 2/3 of the play.  i also had two banquets to go to this week and i'm just plain tuckered out.
ok this brings us to tonight. my ankle is THROBBING and i have no desire to see anyone or go anywhere. hell i don't even want to drink, i just want to sit on my couch, eat burger joes and watch how i met your mother. unfortunately, when i'm stressed out, i have the overwhelming desire to buy things and this point my desire to not move is totally kicking the ass of my desire to buy things. but the desire to buy things is still putting up a good fight, leaving me with a nagging sensation in the pit of my stomache. SOOOOOO.... i look at my dvds and realize that i don't have wings seasons 5 or 6. so i travel to amazon.com (which i was boycotting for certain reasons up until 5 minutes ago) and saw that they were on sale. $20 bucks a piece and free shipping, so i thought what the hell, and bought them and then i got another $5 off for god knows what reason. long story short: on wednesday i will own all but the last season of Wings!!!!!!!!!!! you may all celebrate now. *does the happy dance*
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