Calling Wong! experts

Nov 06, 2011 08:40

I'm hoping that our other resident Wong! experts can advise me.

Wong! had some kind of tummy upset a few weeks ago, involving a bit of nausea and sickness. The V-E-T said it seemed to be something Wong! had eaten, gave a 3 day course of antibiotics just in case & sent us home. The nausea subsided, but Wong! still isn't really eating enough.

Foods that Wong! used to eat happily, are now being rejected. New foods which Wong! seems to like, are only being eaten in small quantities. Wong! often forgets to eat at all.

The output measure suggests Wong! should eating about four times more ... Edit The output measure has just comfortably doubled!

We're going to try another round of tempting new morsels today, but I'd be grateful for Wong! experts if they could say if they've seen this behaviour in Wong! or any of Family Wong! over the years, and if they know of any causes?

We will of course be taking Wong! back to the V-E-T tomorrow if we're still concerned.

Thank you!

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appetite, wong!

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