Okay, sorry- have just seen SPN 601 [I just tried to do that all in caps because I'm excited/drunk/stoned and it came out as '^)!' hah! Am in
unseeliefiend's room in ManchestAAAARRR... I AM IN UR ROOM. STEALIN UR INTARNETS!! while she and Leroy [
liselotte_e] are out seeing
Grinderman whose music I don't mind listening to and if-I-were-rich would have paid £30 to just go see Fiend be all Supertard over Nick Cave, but as it is I am here and happy that we are hanging out with Bryony, Bruce and MAXIMILLIAN THORN tomorrow HSKJHSUIYDUI and glad that I get to catch up on stuff. LIKE SPN... WHICH IS THE MAIN POINT OF THIS POST ANYWAY SO......]
1ST: Seeing Dean living like that is SO WRONG. And... how everything his life involves now is SO COMPLETELY DIFFERENT yet it's still got the traces... like the beer and the toolbox. D:
2: Sid and Dean in the bar. I feel weird about that guy and don't trust him... I dunno. We'll see!
3: Ugh. Okay. I knew that Sam would be back because obvs you can't have SPN with just Dean. As hot as he is, he can't run the show on his own! But when Sam spoke about waking up in the rain, it was like "OMG, FR SRS PLZ, all the Winchesters seem to do is go to hell and come back!"
4: Okay, I really don't care about where Lisa and Ben are, WHERE THE HELL IS THE IMPALA?!?!? THE VIEWERS HAVE PRIORITIES HERE!
[at this point I decided I needed calming down and went outside for a Special Smoke, on the way to which it was necessary to pass Badger and his friend Az- when I said something about the Impala [He asked me what was wrong because as I went to the door he noticed I looked pissed off about something], and Az said "Oh yeah, Sam and Dean... I'm a fan" I was TOETALAY LIEK :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D]
5: The LOOK. THE LOOK BOBBY GAVE. When it wasa so obvious before anyone said anything, that Bobby knew Sam was back and Dean didn't.... just... ripped away anything else I had been feeling before then.
6: UGH. "you got out". They should know that out of anyone, Dean would NEVER stop being a hunter- we saw that in the beginning when he was getting in bed and there was the holy water and gun beneath the bed. Dean would NEVER. BE. OUT. UGH, and I was so excited at the beginning when Jim Beaver's name came up. A WHOLE. YEAR. And... nothing. BOBBBBYYYYY D:
7: "It was the best year of my life" ..... [me]"and before, it was the best NIGHT of your life, HAAAAAAAAAAA!"
10: Oh. Sam refused. And... is leaving Dean to carry on with his fake happiness? WTF.
11: Uuuuuh. Okay, so it's just ... ended. WOT. WOOOOT?!??!? SERIOUSLY. THAT'S IT?!
UUUUGH! It needs to fix. NOW.
I was trying to explain Sam [
Lazy_daze] to them earlier, it started when Beastface said she knew someone that lived 10 mins away from Camden, I asked "walking?" and she replied "by tube" so I was boasting about my friend who lives really close to Camden, that if I didn't know her and saw her on the train home from work, I'd never know or even remotely guess about how amazing she is by how she looks "normally". They then said that's their favorite kind :D
Plus we have been discussing the goodness of
pinknightfaerie A LOT. BUT STILL NOT ENOUGH. I don't care how cold it is in Sweden in March, Briiiiioooooonnnyyyyy, even though I HATE COLD AND IT IS MY NEMESIS but I will come there then if that's when you're going because I need to see your brain and its movements in person! Upon Fiendbeast's suggestion I looked at your Youtube stuff and needz u 2 b hear nao plz ok? I. Oh. OH. NEEDS 2 MEET PLOX CHEESE TRIBE TAIMEZ 4 EVAR.