Feb 24, 2008 10:14
I've always known I'm a perfectionist. Only now, it occurs to me that that extends to role-play as well. It always takes me a long time to reply to logs, or even minor comments, because I'll think over every word and turn of phrase multiple times as I write it. "What would this character say? How would they say it? Is the other mun going to be able to understand what the hell I'm getting at, or am I fucking up?"
If it's something minor, like I respond with the wrong journal for Simon (I have like, three of them now, I think I need my head examined), I'll flail about like an idiot and delete the comments, even if they've already been replied to. But if it's a major fuck-up, like in characterization, I really have trouble letting it go. I think about old logs and what I could have changed to make it better. I'm starting to give myself heartburn over it.
tl;dr I'm a perfectionist fuckwit. Thank you.