(no subject)

Feb 08, 2012 18:41

So i haven't ben posting alot in Ianthony or in my journal. so here a post for my journal

Past few weeks have ben fine, Minus the depression. It's also ben 7 weeks since i last cut.(: i'm really proud of myself.
Something i'm not proud of is my grades. I just got my grades back today. 3 F's and 1 C. i FAIL.
if i don't bring them up, i have to go back to regular school. i love homeschool, regular school was the main reason i was so depressed.

i'm really hoping i can bring them up. i suck at Math and science. i don't know why im failing History, usally i'm REALLY good! 
7th grade is hard for me, but i'm going to reall try hard for the next 6 weeks and when i get my report card im really hoping im up to a B or even better an A!
What doesn't help is the fact that i'm an LD student, if you don't know what an LD student is, it's Learning Disability. I ave a really hard time learning at the pace kids can in a regular class. when i was in regular school, they would put me in a room with 10 ofther kids who were LD and it would take a week for us to learn 1 lesson. for a regular class if would take 3 days. Sometimes 2.
In online school they don't do that. so it maybe the main reason i'm failing.

i bet no one is reading this but anyways...
Reason i havn't ben posting my Ianthony story is well school. and i have big writters block. i might stop it.. but im going to try and get another chapter done.

well thanks for reading...if anyone did
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