Jun 11, 2007 04:36
I remember, when I thought I was a genious.
I tried to make people believe I was, by using big words, and talking about the universe and such.
Haha I wanted to be the smart in depth person you always read about in books and stuff.
And then I started giving up.
I gave up friendship, schoolwork, even singing and acting, something that I love.
I guess I didn't give it up persay; cause I would be there physically, just not mentally.
I just stopped caring, about life I guess.
But it kind of just hit me... why do I sulk so much?
I complain about how my life is so horrible, and things suck all the time, but really, it's completely not horrible.
And if I think it is, it's because I make it that way.
Life is what you make of it. Time doesn't stop because you're feeling down, or your not in the mood, life just keeps on rolling.
It's amazing what music can make you realize right???
ughh I dunno, I just feel the need to try again, to make an effort.
It's my last year to be truly carefree,
If I don't make the best of it, actually, if we all don't make the best of it, and screw everything, and just have the time of our lives, then we're damn fools.
I'm lookin forward to senior year, and the rest of this summer....finally :]