Feb 02, 2005 21:31
Today was long. But it was good because my head didn't start pounding until Spanish. What an improvement.
So I talked to Mr. Wright today. I had to go in to confirm my schedule for next year. I have an SAT schedule, I hope to take the next ones, which are in March, and then take them again in May to improve my score. I'm so stressed out about it. I wasn't for a while, then I found out I have to go to fucking Binghamton to take it. Yeah, I know it really doesn't make a huge difference where you take it, but still, I don't want to have to travel that far to take a test. I'm going to try not to have a breakdown thinking about this.
My mom thinks that when I go to college is when I'll "come out of my shell" and "get crazy." Because that's what she said she did. lmao, my mother's idea of crazy is hardly crazy. Staying up until midnight. Woo. Even back then, she would have been one of those nerds who didn't party or anything. That'll be me. Home on Friday nights with nothing but myself to entertain me with. Bored out of my mind. Picking crumbs out of the carpet.
People have been discussing prom a lot lately. Doubt I'm going. I'd love if someone could convince me otherwise, but it's a dance, I'll have no one to go with, I'd look hideous in any dress, and I'll be so stressed out by then I'll just want to cry in my room.
I received my first birthday card today. From my aunt Karen and Vanessa and Harry. I seriously hope that Karen and Sess can come on Saturday. My birthday will suck without them. I think my mother is going to call them tomorrow to see if they're coming. Saturday is when I'm having family come, I guess, and Sunday I'm going to Binghamton for a little shopping, nothing huge. I hate birthdays.
I need to shower and then I need to go to bed, except I'm hungry because I slept through dinner and I haven't had anything but a granola bar. I hate when I get hungry but then nothing is even remotely appetizing.