Today I discovered that my Art History professor is purposely trying to make me fail his exams. How in the WORLD does he expect me to know crazy minute details about THREE different periods and styles?! I love art. I love history. But this class is just ridiculous!
Anyway. My sister and padre are off to Washington DC today. 8th grade class trip, you know. OH! My roommate is back from her 10 day sabbatical - YAY! I am counting down the days/hours/seconds (which ever you prefer) until Spring Break! (By the way, its 8 days and close to 2 hours!) As far as plans go, there's nothing too exciting on the agenda... possibly an Atomic Rockets concert (*heh*) and definitely a few Fellini's and Meat Market trips... I wish it was baseball season already. I want to go see a Braves game SO BAD!!! Well, that'll have to wait til Easter Weekend.
Today, however, is an extremely gorgeous day! The sun is shining, the sky is blue, and the grass... is not quite green, but what can you expect? The point is... why am I in here typing away (and typing nonsense, I might add) instead of sitting outside in the beautiful weather? Hmm, I fear its all gone down hill. And it's almost time for class. So it's off to Spanish Lab - then Old Testament - I go! (Hi-Ho?)
"He put me smack dab in the middle of paradise. In the heart of the city where my dreams come alive. Everything I have and everything I see, it's just another reminder that God's been good to me." -Keith Urban/Be Here