Jun 24, 2009 22:55
To become grateful, i must learn that I can handle disappointment and delayed gratification with grace and perserverance.
The main emotion of the average adult American who has had all the advantages of wealth, education, and culture is disappointment. And this is true not only of modern Americans; the human heart has been dissatisfied since we left Eden.
We, humans, keep looking for little happiness fixes that will keep us from noticing our deeper frustration. "This headlong pursuit of instananeous happiness is designed to distract us from the emptiness we feel and to numb the pain of our relational failures and our gnawing sense of futility."
Why do you spend your money for that which is not bread, and your labor for that which does not satisfy?
I've picked out a book which i (regret) ditching it aside when busyness got the better of me, and now i'm back to reading this very awesome book. it keeps me sane during work as well.
It serves as a lesson & reminder for myself. Through revealing more of His character (what is my true daily bread) & about, gratefulness.
Have i sometimes forgotten that God alone is true bread. Living in His love and care is the only hope for satisfaction of the human heart. The Bible is decidedly 'pro-fat' - the richest, most flavorful portions of meat! fatness.
"Achievements, possessions, and entertainment are not bad things. They can be very good gifts. But they make very bad gods. They are not enough to build a life on. They're not bread."
"The experience of frustration and disappointment is irreplaceable in the development of a grateful heart."
Ever got tied down in a situation whereby you ask yourself if the problem lies with people not being able to meet your expectations, or is your expectations too high.
Are expectations meant to be subjective? Take for example: What you think is out-of-the-world is a normal expectation or demand to me. Is it unfair to say one is 'demanding' just because both parties don't see the expectations eye-to-eye.
also, how then do you begin explaining some of your demands and expectations when your heart cant reason them. why do you behave in ways your heart can't reason.