purple SKY no WILD ZERO RADIO (Tuesdays at 8pm EST)

Oct 01, 2007 09:49

Episode 11: Spiderpig
Air date: 10/02/2007

Crank's in a foul mood, but nothing brings a smile to his wrinkly ass face like songs about people. People who love people... and pigs. Or vice versa. One such song is Sentimental Piggy Romance off the new unreleased LM.C single LIAR LIAR which we'll be debuting on Tuesday night's WILD ZERO RADIO.

Tune in for new songs by SID, art school, Tokyo Jihen and more as well as a trip in the wayback machine to the innocent era when Kurt Cobain was brought to tears by Japan's answer to the question what if the Ramones
were Japanese chicks and wrote songs about elephants?: Shonen Knife(on this week's education). All this and your results from last week's Judgement on WILD ZERO RADIO.

WILD ZERO Radio airs every Tuesday night at 8pm EST and repeats again at 10pm EST. Check out the Tainted Reality Radio Network to tune in!

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