DBSK Tarzan Clothing Costs.

Mar 25, 2009 16:40

While, along with everyone else, I was drooling over the boys in their Tarzan photo shoot, I also happened to notice the little tidbits in the corners about the prices of what they were wearing. Armed with my trusty Yahoo Finance calculator, I decided to walk through their clothes and see just how much they're wearing. 8DDD

I'll do the solo shots first, then that sexy group shot at the end. Who's ready?

Be prepared to weep.

[EDIT] I squinted and wrecked my eyes further and made a guess as to the price tag on Changmin's boots. The price just sky-rocked well over $5,000, because those boots were over 70000 yen. .___.; Adjusted all the numbers accordingly.

Jaejoong // [pic]

ナイロンパンツ = 17850円
Nylon Pants = $182.78

Total = $182.78

Changmin // [pic]

ヘンリーネックTシャツ = 12390円
Henry Neck Tshirt = $126.87

パンツ = 30240円
Pants = $309.65

Total = $436.52

Yoochun // [pic]

Tシャツ = 10500円
Tshirt = $107.52

パンツ = 17850円
Pants = $182.78

Total = $290.30

Junsu // [pic]

ハーフパンツ = 19950円
Half Pants = $204.28

Total = $204.28

Yunho // [pic]

Tシャツ = 9240円
Tshirt = $94.61

パンツ = 20790円
Pants = $212.88

Total = $307.49

Group Total = $1421.37

Group Shot // [pic]


クロスのネックレストップ = 31500円
Cross Necklace Top = $322.55
(Note: Yes, I'm pretty sure this is just the cross itself.)

ネックレスチェーン = 9030円
Necklace Chain = $92.46
(Note: ... and this is the chain the cross is on.)

ブーツ = 68250円
Boots = $698.85

Total = $1113.86


It says that everything he wore was the stylist's stuff.


ベルト = 16800円
Belt = $172.03

ネックレス = 9240円
Necklace = $94.61

Total = $266.64


パンツ = 23100円
Pants = $236.53

レザーベルト = 31500円
Leather Belt = $322.55

ロザリオ = 49350円
Rosary = $505.32

Total = $1064.40


カーゴパンツ = 54600円
Cargo Pants = $559.08

ブーツ = 70500円
Boots = $720.90

... there's more listed for Changmin, but the scan cuts off.

Total = $1279.98

Group Total = $3724.80

COMBINED TOTAL = $5,146.17

Cheapest thing listed: The chain for Junsu's cross necklace, at $92.

Most Expensive thing listed: Junsu's $700 BOOTS. SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLAR BOOTS WRONG. Changmin's $720 BOOTS. SEVEN HUNDRED AND TWENTY DOLLAR BOOTS. Then Junu's $700 boots. Then Changmin's $520 cargo pants. .____.;

And remember!!! This is without the rest of Changmin's clothing. His boots were listed, so if his are anything like Junsu's, the total has the potential to skyrocket over $5,000. Now I kind of really want the full page scanned so I can see. 8DDDD Added his boots in from what I could tell of the price. Awesome, we're well over $5,000 now. ._______.; BUT THERE'S MORE LISTED OF CHANGMIN'S CLOTHES, along with another 5-digit (in yen) price tag (which mean's its in the hundreds of dollars). I really, really want to know what it is. .___. SOMEONE SCAN THESE PAGES PROPERLY.

So... anyone else jealous? :/

♥ dbsk, i've taken leave of my senses

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