I make no secret of it. Hot guys smoking = my fetish. ;___; I know it's bad for you and ruins your lungs and causes cancer and all that shit. But, for me (who has an oral fixation), a hot, hot guy sucking on a cigarette is just so insanely sexy.
Jaejoong admitted mentioned in the GQ interview that he loves drinking and smoking.
Here's the proof in case you missed it. I've been pining to find a photo of Jaejoong smoking, and someone over at
capslock_tvxq finally answered my prayers.
You know that's sexy... nevermind he looks way too young. Rofl.
I... just... Oh god. Finally. Now if I could just get my hands on a more recent shot... rofl.
Here's a couple more smoking guys that make me very, very happy.
Jrock // Dir en grey // Toshiya
Jrock // Dir en grey // Die
Jrock // Malice Mizer // Kozi
Please feel free to spam me with pics if you like my fetish as much as I do. :D! (especially if you have smoking!Suju pics... they must exist o.o)