Sep 26, 2005 02:12
The Patriots won! =D I wonder if they know what they do to people by having a game like that.. my heart probably stopped about 168123713+ times. lol! The bad thing is we lost Harrison & Light in that game. DAMN! Another bad thing is it was REALLY, REALLY sloppy. How great was Tom in the end though!? He completed his last 12 pass attempts for over 100 yards. Awesome! Also, I LOVE Vinatieri! He's the best!
Tony is now 5th in points. shit! i really don't like Jimmie Johnson. >=|
Red Sox & Yankees still tied for 1st in the AL East. The Yanks need to lose, like SOON!
Can someone please switch the fall button from off to on already?! It was like 154 degrees today. I'm just so ready for winter, since fall is obviously not going to happen this year. The joys of living in the south. ::rolls eyes:: psh!
Okay.. to go college in Jacksonville or Chicago?! To a lot of people it would be a no-brainer, but to me it's a big question mark. Something I should probably decide on, like now! I thought I had made up my mind, but now I don't really know. I'll figure it out one of these days.
AOL took away the Roswell message board. No, I just didn't realize it, but I just posted about it. It's been gone for a while now. Oh yeah.. if you don't already know & you like Roswell, it comes on every Saturday @ 3am. I just need to get the show on DVD already.
Hey Brodie.. Where's that guy at? I've been looking & still can't find him. lmao!