Focus on the Good: Depeche Mode Concert and Miss Meph

May 22, 2006 14:33

Good weekend. Kara should be on the bus by now. Hopefully, not next to some scuzzy guy or a snotty little kid. Eye miss her already...
Lots of driving! Lots of Money! Lots of Thoughts!
Depeche Mode was a blast! Eye really enjoyed She Wants Revenge and then the contagious wiggling from the two D.Mode music fanatics with me got caught up in my spine. *smile* Surprisingly, eye knew a few songs. :} Not a single black person in all the audience. Eye kept scanning, it's compulsive.
Clubbing was a bit disappointing this weekend. No great music. But good people.
Saturday during the day was spent out in the sun. The fair was awesome. Enjoyed the crabcake sandwich (twice). Kara almost had to choke it down my throat.

Disappointed with James. Not so inclined to email and talk so much. Feel rejected. Not used to that... Think that's why eye wasn't sure what eye wanted and when eye wanted it all weekend. But that is another days complaint.

Friday evening spent stoned. Which eye reported earlier. So there is the short end of the lovliness that is NC.

Eye am playing catch up at work today. Damn DAU class put me behind by about 2 weeks. But eye took the time out to update... *shrug* Can't be that busy huh?
Lost my She Wants Revenge CD... *sad face* Eye hate when eye do stupid stuff.
Alright, eye will refrain from talking too much until tomorrow.

Kara, thank you for coming! The concert made the weekend!

driving, concert, sex, trip, tease, kara

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