Feeling selfish?
I am.
Anyway, I wish today was yesterday or tomorrow. Just don't feel like doing today. Not that today is bad. I have plans to watch Casablanca on the Mall with some co-workers. Lucky for me. Cause I would caught all my hair off with too much free time. Wouldn't bald be beautiful?
It has been suggested that I not do anything extreme for a few months while I adjust. Bald = Extreme
Let's fast foreward to the part of my life where I am with someone. *squeeee* Of course, if I can speed up, I want to be able to rewind as well. *rrrrawrrrwwa* I was daydreaming about my time in Portugal the other day. Way overdue for a trip back to that spot on the map. Need to go before turning 30. Is that attainable?
Look!!! I am dancing a jig for you! Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me! Watch! *milk snort* Okay, now feed me. Bath me. Cuddle me.
And put me to bed.
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