May 10, 2006 09:15
I have no clue how to potty train a child. M is now 27 months old...I'm *told* this is the magic age. HA! S was so easy she PT'd herself before the age of 2. People keep telling me I just need to put her in panties, which I'm doing but I am damn sick of cleaning up piss & shit off my carpet & my couch! She will pee in her panties (those thick training panties) & doesn't care at all. She sat in a puddle of pee on the couch for 10 minutes before I realized she had done it & grabbed her up. I just got done cleaning up shit off my carpeted stairs. b/c apparently she stopped halfway down the stairs to take a crap in her training panties & then scoot the rest of the way down the stairs to tell me. UGH!