The final book of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Series, Breaking Dawn, comes out in 5 days! (or 4, depending on how you're counting).
In anticipatory celebration, I'm going to post a fanart countdown, with new Twilight fanart everyday til Saturday, August 2nd. Check back everyday for new Twilight art!
PurpleRebecca's "Breaking Dawn" Fanart Countdown
5 Days! Edward and Bella
watercolor, colored pencils, and white acrylic on watercolor paper
Also posted on deviantart: of my Twilight fanart can be found most easily on dA: main website: Usage: PurpleRebecca's Twilight art is a-okay for making icons, banners, layouts, and the occasional Youtube vid. Please don't claim the art as your own work. Link-backs, credits, acknowledgments, and comments appreciated.
On a personal note: This is the 3rd fanart countdown I've done for a major fandom event. The last was a Harry Potter countdown to the first movie in 2001. The art can be seen here: (poor site hasn't been updated since HP:OotP ^_^;;;)
My first countdown was for Star Wars Episode 1 in 1999, and wasn't posted online, but in the front window of my college apartment. I'm not sure anyone looked at it. :P Yes, I am a dork.