Christmas! Was lovely.
I got a DRAFTING TABLE. I wanted a drafting table. I am NOW a TRUE ARTIST, because I have a table that angles. Heh.
I will now set up my room with a sw33t setup of computer and drafting table, and will be an art powerhouse. Right? Right.
I'll probably still end up doing most of my sketching in my sketchbook on my lap at odd moments in various locations, but I've been wanting a full-scale "My Art Spot" since college, and I've never had one. All my projects have been mobile by necessity.
Right now I'm set up in the family room (which is nice because I'm directly in front of the TV), because the newlyweds have my bedroom. (oh, snap!)
It is lovely to have the whole family together, playing Cranium for hours into the night.
Other loot.
Pirates of the Carib II (such crack)
Lady in the Water (yes, it's flawed, but I love it, love it)
Unbreakable (all Shyamalan's mythos based movies, yesh!)
Princess Tutu vol.2 (LOVE!)
WICKED sheetmusic (yesh!)
Manga: Hikaru no Go vol.2, Fruits Basket vol.11 (hah, had 1,2,&4)
a rice cooker (true otaku now)
I gave my youngest brothers Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii. We don't have a Wii yet. The Wii is greatly desired in this household.
The newlyweds gave us a karaoke machine, my dad is getting his music software to work, and brother Mike got lots of musical sheetmusic books. We are a singing family!