Will-ness Overtime Report - Weeks 9 through 13 ("The Lost Weeks")

Apr 18, 2012 14:07

Current Weight: 174 pounds
Weight Gained: 4 pounds
TOTAL LOSS: 13 pounds

Calories Burned: 786 calories
Calorie Deficit: about 4 weeks (4000 calories) plus 734 calories from previous carryover

When the insanity of work overcame me, I basically dropped all weight loss/fitness efforts in order to concentrate on getting my work done. I know some folks would say that’s no excuse, but it really is. I know there are a lot of people counting on me to finish my Will-ness Goals, but there were literally THOUSANDS of people depending on me to format and print all those worship aids for Triduum, Easter, Confirmation, and a never-ending stream of funerals. I’d estimate I formatted and printed approximately 4500 worship aids within the past few weeks. Lots of people would send out a job like that, but I did them all in-house all by myself. Considering all the stress eating I did when the photocopier broke, I’m surprised I didn’t gain more, although averaging a pound a week is a pretty alarming rate of weight gain that really needs to be reversed PRONTO.

I’ve already taken steps to increase my physical activity again - literally. Carl and I walked for 30 minutes on Monday and walked again for 30 minutes today. We’ll walk again on Friday and next week we plan on starting the Couch to 5K program (or Ease Into 5K, one or the other). Yep, we’re going to start running. I know I said before that I would never consider running unless somebody was chasing me, but I feel I will see better results and make progress a lot faster if Carl and I exercise together and this is an activity we can certainly do together. The Kinect sensor has a hard time seeing both of us at the same time, we only have one elliptical machine (which makes my knees hurt, so I won’t use it regardless), and even when we go biking, we ride in tandem and so there isn’t much interaction until we actually reach our destination; plus, cycling is hard on Carl’s wrists and he just can’t go for very long distances unless he’s on a recumbent - which he doesn’t currently own. So we’re going to try running. We don’t need a lot of expensive equipment or a gym membership and we should be able to fit in a half an hour workout during the lunch hour and still have enough time to eat a sandwich before going back to work.

We’re also getting back to eating in after a long string of rushed restaurant meals, many of which were fast food. The alternative to eating fast food was usually eating past 10:00pm after rehearsals were finished, which wasn’t a great option either. Now that things have slowed down a bit and we’re not frantically rushing to make connections, we can take a little more time to actually make a meal and eat it instead of gulping something down on our way to the next service/rehearsal/Mass/lesson/whatever.

So here’s the plan:

[1] Get back to counting calories and start recording meals faithfully again.
[2] Reset the Calories Burned and effectively add 5 weeks onto the end since the chances of me burning an extra 4734 calories over the next few days - or even weeks - is absurd.

I know I’ve fallen off the wagon many times before, but I think the important thing is that I keep climbing back on. This time is no different. I refuse to let one crazy month derail my efforts permanently. I know I’m further away from my goal than I was a couple of months ago, but I’ve lost the weight before and I know I can do it again if I really concentrate on it. Wish me luck!

optimist, health matters

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