Mar 22, 2011 21:47
More progress made - I'm 2/5 of the way towards my goal!
Current Weight: 167 pounds
Weekly Loss: 2 pounds
NET LOSS: 20 pounds
I ate a really big meal tonight, but hopefully if I get back on the bike tomorrow, I can thwart any extra pounds from creeping back. In all honesty, I haven't been eating enough and my daily calorie counts have been way too low. I haven't been snacking like I'm supposed to and the size of my three primary meals didn't increase to make up for it... until tonight. I'm going to assume that one night of overeating won't undo all the progress I've made as long as I don't let it become a habit. Frankly I don't think I could eat that much food on a regular basis anyhow (at least, not anymore. I used to eat like that all the time, which is how I got here in the first place.) After 4 days of low calorie counts - under 1300 a day - I think I was just too hungry to not splurge a little. I still managed to eat a fairly balanced dinner nutritionally speaking, so all in all I'm still on track.
Exercise has still been regular, though not daily. I've found that one days when I have PT it's just too much for my body to take. Every PT session the exercises get a little more challenging as we try to build up the muscles around my ankles, knees, and hips, so although I don't do any cardio on those days, I'm definitely getting a lot of toning and strengthening exercises in. When I do get on the bike, I cycle for at least 30 minutes, sometimes longer. I haven't done a full hour in a while, but I did 45 minutes just yesterday. I figure I'm getting at least 2 - 2.5 hours of cardio a week, burning at least 1200 - 1500 calories. It's less than half of the 3500 calories I thought I should burn in a week (that's approximately how many calories are in a pound of fat), but I'm still losing both pounds and inches, so I guess the extreme exercise isn't entirely necessary. It's not like I spend the rest of my time sitting on the sofa eating bon-bons and twinkies (although I should probably get up off the couch a little more often than I do).
We had a wonderful guided meditation led by Edie Paulbicke at the Will-ness Open House tonight. We cast out the negativity that was holding us down and drew in the positive energy we needed to reach our goals. As we cast off our negativity into the earth, I let out a primal scream that fairly shredded my vocal chords, so choir rehearsal will be a rather interesting experience tomorrow evening; still, it felt good to banish the black blob.
That's all for now. If I can keep up the momentum of the past two weeks, I'll hit my halfway mark by the beginning of April. Otherwise, I'll hit my halfway mark by Easter. Either way, I am going to make my goal, and "no power in the 'verse can stop me!"
health matters