Nov 30, 2009 18:11
That's it folks. NaBloPoMo is officially over for me once I write this one post. While I am always happy to be reminded why I still like LJ even though Facebook tends to get the majority of my cyber time, I am once again reminded why I don't post every single day. Sometimes I just don't have anything worthwhile to say, and it's really hard to post when all you have to post about that day is your laundry... or the tedium of your day job... or worse yet, absolutely nothing because I didn't really accomplish anything noteworthy during the 18 hours or so that was supposedly conscious for. So, until next November, you can expect my posts to be fewer but hopefully more meaningful. I'll never abandon LJ altogether, but this scraping the dregs of thought from my addled brain on a daily basis has got to stop.
Thanks for reading. Hope I didn't drive you to insanity with my inane posts. ;)