Mar 20, 2012 01:09

The Katawa Shoujo kink meme!

-Anonymity isn't mandatory. If you want to be, then cool. If not, then that's cool too. Either way, post your comments here, and someone else will fill them.

-We only want the sexy kind of wanking. Pairing wank, kink shaming and your thoughts on yaoi can be done in your own space.

-Any rating allowed. It doesn't matter if your kink is adorable G-rated hand holding, guro tentacle rape, or anything in between. Either way, we won't judge.

- Here's a list of kinks to get you started.

-There's no limit on how many requests you can make, but it's no fun if nobody fills in return, so try and fill when you can.

-General kink meme discussion post is here

I'm currently working on making a DW mirror, since I can't seem to do much with the comments here. Stay tuned~!
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