Another lazy, hazy afternoon

Jul 01, 2004 14:45

I don't know if it's actually hazy out. But it rhymes with lazy and makes the title better.

I am going to a BBQ/pool party. Exciting.............
I haven't seen my friends for A WEEK. A WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK. WEEK WEEK WEEK. That is a long time.
And I'm not going to get to see them for a while, because we're going away til Tuesday night (I think... Yes, I still don't know) It saddens me :(

It was raining a while ago, and the sun was shining at the same time. So the sun was reflecting on the rain drops and it looked like sparks were falling from the sky.
Twas trippy.

I want to go watch the Lizzie McGuire movie... But I don't have time.
But I will quote Lizzie McGuire anyways: "I'm outtie!"
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